Chapter 33

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"So explain to me again why I'm tagging along?" Trailing beside the blond and asking that your eyes trailed around the bustling streets of Rome, earlier that morning you were approached by Caesar who right away stated that the both of you were needed in said place- why? You weren't sure nor informed on apart from being there to meet someone.

"Because you're the only other student of Lisa Lisa, and because I enjoy your company." Musing that out he spared you a wink watching as you rolled your eyes in response.

Seeing that he'd held the door to a hotel restaurant duo open, you clicked your tongue assuming that this was the meeting place,"Alright well, you go to the table and I'll be right back." Right away your eyes found where the restroom sign was gesturing towards it before walking off.

You didn't appreciate being left out of the loop by the blond, but there was a certain excitement as well.

Doing your business and finishing up you stepped out of the small hallway spotting your travel companion currently in the midst of wooing some poor woman. Rolling your eyes at the scene before you it appeared as though someone occupying a nearby table was also cringing at what was happening.

"I can't stand guys like that!" Hearing him exclaim that you subtly trailed over swiping a seat at his table, the man's bright teal hues instantly trailed over, though before he spoke you'd cut him to it.

"Yeah I agree with you there, sucks that he's always like this." Resting your chin in the palm of your hand and letting out a long sigh your eyes trailed from the blond back to the brunette.

"You know that guy?"

"Yeah he's my friend. Quite the casanova though." Humming that out you let out a soft laugh seeing him nod alone exaggeratedly to what you'd said, it was clear that even if the two had never spoken nor interacted there was a dislike.

"Friends with you and he went for that?" Jutting a finger out towards the woman Caesar was sitting with you couldn't help but cover your mouth as some more laughter tried to leave you. Shaking his head as though disappointed now the brunette wound up some squid ink pasta onto a fork. The base of which seemed to have sparked a subtle orange hue and the noodles straightened out.

So this guy knew how to use hamon?

Watching him flick the noodles towards where Caesar was they were quickly deflected back being stopped when the brunette raised a wine glass halting them.

"Th-This can't be!" Eating the three noodles he'd fired from his glass, wine right away began pouring out. "I-It's Hamon! He used Hamon!"

"Hey you're going to get wine everywhere?!" Right away leaning out and poking the glass the streams of wine stopped, faint sparks of yellow flickered from around the glass and right away the brunette's mouth dropped open in surprise.

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