Chapter 41

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"The stone masks were invented by the most intelligent among them, Kars." Beginning the explanation with that Lisa Lisa turned in place to address the three of you, her usual attire changed into something more casual. "Kars crossed the Atlantic in search of the Super Aja with Wamuu and Esidisi. Suzi Q."

At the mention of her name the petite blond trailed over, a cushion in hand while what looked like a necklace rested on top. Reaching out and taking it into her hand the woman showed it to the group, "In my hand is a perfectly flawless, natural crystal. A Super Aja!"

Staring at the glistening ruby like stone your eyes followed it being raised into the air, watching as a ray of sun turned quickly into what was essentially a laser zapping the floor between the boys. "The Pillar Men defeated warriors of the Ripple to try and get it...But this Super Aja evaded them. It is my duty to protect it."

Although you felt quite indifferent about the stone and history itself your eyes couldn't help but trail towards Caesar seeing that the blond was practically fuming, his mind probably running through the amount of people that've been lost because of the Pillar Men.

"Smash it!" Raising a hand and pointing towards it Joseph spoke up first, brows creased downwards. "Let's smash the Red Stone to pieces! If you break it, they'll cry like babies!" Although he had a point there you must've figured the woman kept it in one piece for a reason.

"I can't do that." "Why now?!" "Legend has it that they cannot be killed without the stone."

"Why not?!"

Turning towards the sea Lisa Lisa's arms fell to her side, "I have no idea. Regardless, I will perform my duty as guardian. JoJo, Caesar, (Y/N). . .You must take your final exams."

Perking up at that you spoke first, the idea that there was a final exam surprised you. "A final?!"

"Caesar," Addressing the blond first Lisa Lisa's gaze was sharp, "You must defeat Messina. Jojo, you must defeat Loggins." Turning lastly to face you she finished. "(Y'N), you'll have to defeat me."


Visibly you paled from the declaration. It would be different fighting someone else- but Lisa Lisa was as she said; guardian of the stone. Who's to say all your training is even enough to land a hit on the woman.

"I'll give you all a few minutes to prepare. The final exams can not and will not wait." Instructing that the woman waved her hand faintly in the air, eyes trailed across the three of you seeing varying reactions before walking out of sight.

Letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding Caesar casted his eyes across the oceans horizon before hearing Joseph's voice chime in, "Hey why do you look so pale?" Turning to see what he was referring to, his eyes rested on you, your expression was pulled into a nervous one and as the brunette had so blatantly pointed out you seemed nearly pale enough to rival paper.

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