Chapter 77

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Sucking in a deep breath you released it into a hum, the early morning air was crisp and you couldn't help but pick out a faint sweet smell that lingered in it.

Still half asleep and barely able to comprehend much you cracked open an eye. The sight before you merely being black fabric and your sleeping companion, tilting your head up softly you could tell Polnareff's chin had been resting on top of your head at some point.

The ivory haired man must've moved at some point throughout the night tucking you within his arms and unknowingly you must've snuggled into him, head resting against his chest while like you figured before his chin must've been resting on top of your head.

Holding back a yawn your eyes trailed towards the sun slipping in from between the rooms blinds, neither of you touching them before falling asleep leading to the early morning rays illuminating the small area.

Moving to slip away and freshen up for a bit, your attempt was thwarted due to Polnareff's arms tightening around you, the man nuzzling into your hair softly. "Morning already?" His tone of voice was soft, though there was a hoarseness to it.

"As far as I can tell, yeah." Much like his own, your voice was also scratchy, it's tone was soft as well though a yawn quickly followed your reply. "Sorry I fell asleep on you, did I miss any questions?"

Taking in a deep breath he hummed out, "No you answered my most pressing ones. But I still can't believe you've been with the Joestar family for so long and still haven't ended up with any of them."

A snort left you right away upon hearing his words, "Gee thanks."

"That's not what I meant, I mean it must've been hard making all those bonds and then just losing them all in an instant." Nuzzling into your hair once more the vibration of his voice travelled through the top of your head, sincerity leaked from each word. "I can't imagine that."

Humming yourself, you released a sigh, his words were nothing short of accurate. But you knew how to reply.

"It was hard. But as a man once said,'' pausing you raised a hand slipping it out between a gap to lightly poke the ivory haired man's forehead as best you could. "They'll always live on in your memory and I'll never forget them."

No words left him, but from what you could tell he was processing what you'd said.

Moving his head off of your own and leaning back he loosened his arms from around you enough so that he could lean down and look you in the eye. His blue hues were swimming with an array of emotions but endearment and sincerity were the main ones shining through.

"Then let's make some good ones."

Staring right back at him your lips curled into a slight smile, a hum right away left you afterwards in agreement to what he'd said. "Lets."

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