Chapter 85

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 "Are we there yet?" Calling out to whoever was willing to answer you slumped back into the small middle seat you'd been stuck in, the sun has long since risen back into the air barely being covered by the puffy white clouds telling you that it was daytime and you'd slept a good amount.

"We'll be at the Pakistani border soon...So I guess it's time to say goodbye to India." Replying to your question, Kakyoin's gaze remained fixed on the road despite switching seats with Polnareff so that the redhead could relax a bit.

Covering up a yawn Joseph folded his arms over one another mimicking the way you sat by slumping down in his own seat. "I wasn't sure what we had gotten ourselves into at first...But I'm already missing the chaos of Calcutta, and the rushing waters of the Ganges."

Leaning back into his seat Polnareff released a low sigh, something melancholic. "I'll be going back there soon. I need to make Avdol a proper grave."

It was almost as though you'd forgotten about the egyptian man, between all the fighting and running around the grief of losing him hadn't properly settled in. As if sensing the somber mood his words brought, Polnareff spoke once more. "The road's starting to narrow."

Slowing down the car, blue hues narrowed towards a red car upfront, the back of it spitting up dust and rocks of the like, all the while slowing down. "What's the hold up? Move it! I'll pass him." Twisting the wheel to the side the car was menovered around the other- rather recklessly mind you.

"It's times like these I might prefer Joseph driving instead." The words left your lips in a low mutter before you waved a hand. "Actually scratch that Kakyoins the best driver so far."

"Ah no need to get your panties in a twist- this four wheel drive is great." Having heard what you'd said Polnareff let out a laugh, waving his hand in a careless manner.

Having turned his head back to look out the back window Joseph's eyes trailed across the car you'd just passed. "Hey, did we just fling rocks at that car?"

"Well, I could have. Your point?" "I'm saying we don't need to get ourselves in trouble right now. I'm still wanted for what happened in Varanasi. I'd like to get across the border in one piece." At the mention of what happened you couldn't help but snort slightly recalling the whole chase.

Weird shit always happened with Joseph.

Turning around another mountain curve Polnateff slammed on the brakes, the car's engine audibly screeched while it jerked everyone within the car forward.

"Polnareff! What the-You could've caused a crash!" "I know- But look who's standing there!" Raising a hand the ivory haired man rebutted what you'd said now pointing towards what you would've initially assumed was a hitchhiker- although those blue overalls and pink shirt stuck out as all too familiar.

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