Chapter 18

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At the arrival of Jonathan and Dio, Mr.Joestar had yet to let go of your hand now rubbing it unconsciously while talking to his two sons.

"How are you feeling, father?"

Raising his free hand to cough into it the older man answered Dio's question, "Better, except for this cough. The doctors want me in the hospital." At the mention of a hospital, the blond's expression instantly changed, his arms moved to emphasize his next set of words and it was clear the blond had some sort of distaste for that establishment in particular.

"You should stay away from the hospital. Hospitals don't cure anyone. They're only after profits."

"I won't go. I feel better at home. My chest pains are better, and the swelling has gone down. I'm getting better." Coughing once more the older man added on, this time smiling at the duo. "Oh, and congratulations on your victory today."

"You already heard?" A bit bummed that they couldn't be the ones to tell their father about the victory, both males wore looks of surprise.

"An old college friend informed me."

"Some friends! We ran home to be the first to tell you!" Exclaiming that Dio allowed silence to follow right after before the room filled with gentle laughter.

"I'm very pleased. I'm proud to have such excellent sons," Beginning with that Mr.Joestars eyes hardened slightly before he'd raised the hand of yours he'd been holding. "But, there's something missing here." Using his other hand the man pointed towards your ring finger, which remained bare.

Embarrassed that he'd bring that up in front of the two it appeared as though neither of them knew what to say standing silently in shock before the older man ruptured out into laughter.

"I'm just messing with you all," A cough left him once more, "You all have come so far. Especially you Dio."

"Follow your dreams after graduation. I'll support you in every way. You're family."

"I am grateful that you have lifted me out of poverty. I'll keep striving to improve." Vowing to do that Dio spared the sickly man a faint smile, though covering up his dislike for the older man he couldn't help but clench his jaw.

"Well, we should leave you be now. Some rest will be good to help you get better quicker." Feeling like it was about time to get going you spoke for the room's current inhabitants softly giving Mr.Joestar's hand a slight squeeze before pulling away and standing back up.

"Boys." Having watched you slip out of the room Mr.Joestar casted his gaze towards the two before moving it back towards the door to convey some sort of message, that the two instantly understood, both having let out either a hum or sigh in response.

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