Chapter 47

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Watching the man depart the room quickly after uttering that you waited for a second or two till his footsteps faded.

Quickly hopping up to your feet and trailing towards the door you made an attempt to open it being met instantly with a harsh gust of wind on the other side closing it back up right after. Of course he would assume you'd leave the room, he wasn't stupid.

You were hit once again by the strong feeling of Deja vu before beginning to make your way towards one of the boarded up windows, eyes lingering over where it was nailed down thinking that if you could pry them off perhaps you'd be able to get out.

Looking around the room you spotted the base of a lamp, the shade of it missing but the overall structure of it appeared to have been some sort of metal. Moving over to take it into your hands you figured that with the shape of it you could try and use it as some sort of mock crowbar.

Jamming the end of it past a gap between two of the planks you paused, the building felt like it was shaking. . .meaning there was a fight taking place.

Returning your attention back to the boards you yanked the lamp downwards, the wooden board of which it was wedged against creaked loudly before popping off the window. A noise in accomplishment left you seeing that there was now a decently sized gap you could crawl through.

Sticking your head out another rumble was felt though the building, this one feeling harsher than the one before. Nibbling on your lip in thought your eyes lingered over a small ledge below the window, that ledge of which led to a small balcony just a bit to the left.

Realizing that this was really your only option you crawled out of the window, shoes barely having enough space to keep themselves from peaking over the ledges edge.

Mentally praying you began side shuffling across the ledge, only flinching when the building shook once more. "What's even happening?" Muttering to yourself and continuing towards the balcony you hopped down quickly feeling relieved that there wasn't another badly timed rumble.

Turning on your heel you stepped back into the abandoned hotel, the doors of the balcony were ripped off their hinges so an open archway was what remained. There was a sickly familiar anxious feeling creeping through your body when one particularly hard rumble was felt- one strong enough that you had to stop and kneel for a second.

Shooting back up quickly you began running out of the room, eyes scanning the hallways before coming across a staircase that you'd descended with haste. Yelling could now be heard the more stairs you descended and it was when you turned once more to see what remained of the main hall a bright light briefly blinded you, dying down quickly after appearing.

Much to your excitement your eyes landed on colours of blue and purple, the wearer of which was none other than your blond haired companion. "Caesar-" Your excitement was quickly overshadowed by the sight of blood coating the blond, the call of his name died on your tongue instantly.

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