Chapter 21

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Turning back towards where Jonathan was, your heart sank upon seeing the man holding on to Mr.Joestar, the latter barely able to get any more words out. "Dammit! Even though I was here..."

"It's not like any of us could have predicted something like this happening." Sparing Speedwagon a quick pat on the shoulder you made your way towards where Jonathan was, your eyes stared at him empathetically not quite on the same level of grieving as he was but along similar lines.

"Lord Joestar! If I had only...This is all my fault. If I had only seen through Dio's father's transportation..." Having spoken, the police chief had the group's attention almost instantly.

"Dio Brando's father?"

"Soon after I became a policeman, a man was arrested trying to fence that very ring. That was Dio's father, Dario Brando. Lord Joestar thought Brando had saved his life. But! He was nothing but a villain who used the carriage accident to conceal his theft! Lord Joestar knew all this, and still took Dio in." Hearing the officer drone on about the two's history you could only focus on how Jonathan was.

"Father! Hang on! A doctor's coming! We can still save you!" Holding the older man's hand closer to his face Jonathan stared down teary eyed.

Looking up through dim blue hues Mr.Joestar's eyes trailed from his son towards you, back to his son. "JoJo...Don't hold a grudge against Dio. This is my fault. I was strict with you as my blood son, but Dio may still have felt scorned. Perhaps that is what drove him to this. . .but if anything I'm glad there was something good apart of how the two of you were raised. Some good memories." His attention trailed towards where you kneeled next to Jonathan as he added in the last bit before a harsh breath left him.

"Make sure Dio is buried next to his father."

"Father. . ."

"JoJo...It's not bad to die in the arms of one's son..." The man's words trailed off and his hand fell from Jonathan's face resting limply among the ground. Yells of anguish and shock left the others as well as other things but you could care less about what they were saying.

"I'm sorry Jonathan," Although there was nothing on your end to apologize for you felt that the navy haired man needed it, and upon feeling his hand take yours did you know he appreciated the gesture anyway.

Now that his father and Dio were gone you were really the only thing that remained.

"The corpse! Dio Brando's corpse is gone!" Snapping your head in the direction of Speedwagon you rose back to your feet, attention right away focusing towards the broken window.

"Hey! Get away from the windows!" Calling out, your words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears as the officer in question had his head cut open, the top half of it flying onto the floor before you. Your blood ran cold instantly as soon as your eyes trailed from the body up catching sight of Dio occupying the broken window.

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