Chapter 44

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"This is stupid." Grumbling that out faintly you looked around the room seeing that your travel companions thought the same thing, sure the building was very spacious and had a homey feel. It just didn't feel right that german soldiers had taken charge of the situation and the fact you've all been cooped up in one room for five hours. "I'm going for a walk." Pushing away from the table you'd been residing at your chair scraped loudly against the ground.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." Musing that out from where she leaned against the wall Lisa Lisa pressed her lips together into a line, her eyes flickered out the nearby window before a breath left her lips knowing you'd argue to her point regardless. "Just don't take too long."

At that you nodded your head towards the woman making your way towards the rooms door, nothing was said about leaving when talking in terms of what the Germans wanted and really the only reason they had leverage at the moment was because they kept the stone hostage.

Although they were a weird cluster you did end up sharing a nod with a few as you trailed past them out the front door, the cold winter air right away nipped at your face, yet it felt more comforting than the warmth of the cabin.

Your shoes crunched against the snow coated ground, the thick blanket of which eliminating any form of stealth you might've had.

Sighing loudly you watched the heat of it become a cloud blowing away quickly with the minimal wind. "How much longer are we going to be here. . ." Trailing off to yourself you turned towards another edge of the building, walking around it seemed safer than nothing but now doing that you couldn't help but feel your blood run cold.

Your eyes right away picked out something that stuck out against the trees and artificial textures of the lodge, a person was what you'd deducted. A really tall one at that; clad in a long black coat.

Rubbing the tips of your fingers together, your hand inched towards your trusty whip gripping the braided handle yet not unfurling it.

"State your business here." Rolling your shoulders out as if to declare some sort of pathetic dominance, your eyes lingered over the person's form, their attire wasn't anything the soldiers were wearing which is why you knew it wasn't one of them.

Watching the stranger pull their hands away from resting on the building they didn't seem to bother turning your way before a blade protruded out of their exposed arm. Now you still weren't sure who this was but you could definitely make an educated guess that this was one of the Pillar Men.

Unclipping the small clasp that held the rest of your whip from uncurling, it was whipped forward with haste, the tip of it which you had initially intended to wrap around the man's arm went dodged quickly. "I said state your business here!"

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