Chapter 67

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The cool sea breeze trailed through the air delicately sending it with salt from the blue waters below, the breeze as well allowed the shining sun above to be more bearable.

Though you did wish you'd been wearing something other than your school's designated uniforms, merely due to the fact it's skirt has been bugging you for quite some time now. The fabric of it wanting to flip up in response to the sea breeze.

"(Y/N), why don't you come sit over here?" Calling that out from where he sat among one of the few sun loungers Kakyoin gestured towards the vacant chair beside him, lavender hues eyeing the way you had stationed yourself close to the boat's railings sitting cross legged with your hands folded on top of your lap.

Turning your head towards where he sat you spared him a thankful smile, "Nah I'm good over here. If I get up I fear the worst will happen." Picking at the fabric of your skirt while adding in the last bit you'd hoped the redhead would get what you were trying to say, though unfortunately it didn't seem like he quite understood what you'd said.

"Wouldn't it be better tho-" "She doesn't want to flash everyone you idiot." Right away butting in, the ebony haired man on the seat beside him spoke up, hat resting lower than usual to block the sun, leaving you to now know he wasn't sleeping.

Surprised at how blunt he'd said it, you pursed your lips together trailing your gaze to the side in an attempt to find something else to bring up. Right away your gaze landed on Joseph who'd begun walking over, the older man had swapped outfits now wearing a striped red and white tank top instead of the turtleneck he'd been wearing previously.

"What's the scoop Joseph?" Calling out towards the nearing man he let out a hum stopping once he stood before the three of you.

"To get from Hong Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for three days. Well relax till then and keep our spirits up. But seriously, guys...Can't you do something about those school uniforms? Are you all going to stay dressed like that the entire time? Aren't you hot?" Gesturing around while speaking Joseph pointed between the three of you.

"All of us are students...and students should dress as students. Though we might be pushing it..." "Speak for yourself, I am suffering in this uniform." Right away cutting in with your own input you stared up at the older man. "At this point in time I'd wear anything other than a skirt."

As if waiting for that kind of statement Joseph spared you a grin, the man snapping his fingers excited that at least someone was taking up his offer. "Perfect. I've got something in that case. Though if I'm being honest this is one of the only times I've seen you in a skirt."

"Wow Mr.Joestar, not creepy at all." Calling that out from where he stood beside Avdol, Polnareff let out a faint laugh.

Holding a hand to your face as if that would hold back your laughter the man right away snapped around to face Polnareff, a hand pointing accusingly at the ivory haired man. "Quiet you, I'm just stating a fact. I didn't say anything remotely creepy there." Crossing his arms right after Joseph huffed before uncrossing them and motioning towards you. "Come on (Y/N), I've got something for you to change into."

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