Chapter 60

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"Dio is very charismatic...Which allows him to easily sway others with his overwhelming charm. This was how he was able to order Kakyoin to kill us." Beginning with that Joseph's attention trailed towards where you stood seeing that your expression gradually became more sour.

"Isn't there way to remove it?" Asking that you stared at the fleshbud, your mind right away trying to think if there was something you could do, or if there was something it could do.

Staring at where the bud rested Joseph took in a breath releasing it into a sigh, "The brain is too delicate. If he moved even a little during the extraction, it could cause permanent brain damage."

"Both of you...The story I am about to tell you happened four months ago. I was in Cairo, Egypt...When I met Dio!" Although you still were not familiar with the man currently speaking, what he'd said caught your attention and of course you were going to listen to the rest of it. "I am a fortune teller by trade. My shop is located in the souq Khan el-Khalili. It was the night of the full moon...he...I saw him standing quietly on the stairs leading up to the second floor of my shop...He gave me a cold gaze that felt as if it would pierce through my heart...his golden hair...his nearly transparent alabaster skin...and his overwhelming presence made him seem unlike any normal man!"

"I knew immediately from Mr.Joestar's description who it was, for it was unmistakably Dio!- It was at this moment that I realized how truly terrifying he could be! His words brought such peace to my soul...They had a dangerous sweetness to them...Which was exactly what made him so terrifying! I ran for my life. I dared not even consider fighting him. I was incredibly fortunate...because I realized it was Dio, I was able to quickly escape by jumping from the closest window. I knew the winding streets of souq below like the back of my hand, and so I was able to escape. I may have ended up like this young man...forced to be one of his followers by a flesh bud..."

"And then you would have died a few years later, your brain completely devoured." Finishing what the other man was saying Joseph's eyes once again focused on where Kakyoin laid. The groups attention only moving from the redhead once Jotaro drew closer speaking.

"Died? Wait just a minute...Kakyoin here...isn't dead yet!" Raising a hand and throwing it out to his side the same purple being from before appeared, the figure this time around clearer considering you were nearly right next to it.

Vibrant purple skin and yellow stripes decorated it's body while aztec style clothing and armour covered up the rest of its body. "I'll get it out with my stand!" Kneeling down he reached out to hold Kakyoin's head steady, what you could assume was his 'stand' reached out as well intending to grab the flesh bud.

"Wait, Jotaro!-" "Gramps, stay back! I can pull it out without doing any damage. My stand has the precision to grab a moving bullet."

"Stop! That flesh bud is still alive! Don't you realize-" "Joseph." Having moved to stand beside the older man you cut off what he was panicking about, a hand raised as though to shush him. "I may be really confused right now. But stopping a bullet seems impressive to me and if he's set to die anyways then what's wrong with trying anyways?"

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