Chapter 50

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"That Divine Sandstorm hit him directly! H-How?"

"Directly? JoJo was cunning enough to make it look direct. He's an absolute genius of trickery. Though I don't know if I should praise him for that." Lowering her glasses Lisa Lisa continued, "Take a closer look at Wamuu."

Looking towards the Pillar Man in question your eyes lingered across his arms spotting that the reins were sitting around him awkwardly.

"I-I see-He wrapped hamon filled reins around Wamuu's arms. Wamuu's divine sandstorm was crippled!" Putting the pieces together in his head as well Kars clenched his jaw in aggravation.

"It's no surprise. Wamuu was struck with the hamon in the middle of his Divine Sandstorm. The confidence he built over thousands of years has crumbled! The quiet intensity his victories gave him has vanished. It was surely a shock for him!"

"But it matters not! Put out the next set of weapons!" Crossing his arms a bright light emanated from them in the form of a X, something you assumed was a signal towards some minions stationed along the other end of the ring.

Crossbows were the next set of weapons, a large one and a smaller one from what you could make out.

Sitting down once more Kars rolled his shoulders back in a relaxed manner catching your attention, "Lisa Lisa, (Y/N), let me guess what's on your mind...Wamuu's mind is in no state to why is Kars deploying these crossbows with such confidence? It makes you nervous, right? Here's why. It's because Wamuu is a true warrior"

Tearing your gaze away from the man back down towards where Wamuu was, you watched the man plunge both thumbs into his eyes, blood spurting out as he did so.

"What is he doing?! He'll blind hi-" Cutting yourself off it was almost like all the pieces clicked together in your head, Wamuu's ability was wind meaning air so without sight he could fully rely on it without a problem.

Turning his head to view your expression Kars maintained that smug smile, he knew all too well what was going to happen and felt as though he might as well humour you with a bit of an explanation. "He flipped his switch by removing his eyes. Wamuu is now psychologically invincible. Now he can sense the wind with his horn. He sees air better than light and from the look of it you figured that out quickly."

Trying to ignore what Kars was saying you held your breath watching Joseph grab the larger of the two crossbows- something that even you could see was a mistake seeing as a normal sized one was hard enough to load on it's own, let alone one twice the size.

"God damn it JoJo." Muttering that under your breath you watched Wamuu take the smaller crossbow, loading it up quickly and firing a shot towards the brunette, effectively taking out one of his horses in an instant.

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