Chapter 6

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"Thank you for letting me come over Mrs.(L/N)." Bowing slightly in appreciation towards the older woman she merely just shook her head in response, the navy haired boy was practically family at this point and she'd even tried giving him a key to the house.

"It's really no problem Jonathan. You're welcome in our house at any time." Sparing him a sweet smile she motioned towards down the hall, "(Y/N) is just in her room down the hall, do you remember where it is?" Although to anyone else the statement could've been taken a different way he knew there was only wholesome intent.

"Yes, I do, and thank you again Mrs.(L/N)." Ducking his head once more briefly before moving down the hall he paused before one of the hall's doors lightly rapping his knuckles along the structure. A come in sounded and upon opening the door he could see you sitting along the floor surrounded by small booklets each filled with varying amounts of writing.

Peering up from the notebook you'd currently been writing in you spared him a smile, "Sorry for not coming to the door, I was a bit preoccupied." Motioning towards the books around you while saying that Jonathan let out a soft laugh in response.

He knew you had a hobby of writing things down from your daily life, almost like a journal of sorts. The reason you did so was unknown but even so, it wasn't any of his business, to begin with.

"That's alright, I got to see your mom and let her know that you all are invited to the house for dinner tonight." Moving to gently push some of your books aside he took a seat along the ground ending up just laying down on the cool surface, his mind quickly veered off towards the day prior. "But say, before you ask anything about dinner I wanted to ask what you said to Dio? He's been in the library all morning."

Recalling the long exert you had said towards the blond a hand raised up muffling a laugh, "Oh that? That was just from Shakespeare, it's an insult if that's what you were wondering." Watching him make an 'O' with his mouth he spoke up once more.

"And you were able to memorize that whole thing? I mean that was pretty long- I could even barely remember what you'd said." Admitting to that he threw his arms up in an exaggerated manner, eyes tracing the small stars on your bed's canopy.

"My teacher taught me, dummy, he's not just some yahoo of the street you know." Reaching over and flicking the boy's nose he right away let out a whine. "Besides, it also comes with practice." Nodding your head after adding that you finished the sentence you'd been writing before poking the end of your pencil towards the boy. "How were your lessons this morning?"

Recalling that his father wanted to recap what they'd learned the previous day, you hoped that you helping had at least gotten him a 'good job'.

"He said I was improving, which is good." Closing his eyes for a second before reopening them his gaze trailed back towards you. "I just wish he'd stop comparing me to Dio. He always acts like some sort of golden child in front of father." Humming so that he understood you were listening Jonathan folded his arms over one another. "It makes me so mad."

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