Chapter 84

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"So that's the Empress's Stand user..." Musing that out, Joseph leaned against the side of a building, eyes trailing across the woman twitching amongst the floor in a mass of red liquid. "That hideous woman...she attached her Stand to me as a tumor with a human face, and camouflaged himself as a beautiful woman. That was pretty careless..."

"She definitely had you fooled Polnareff." Musing that out your eyes trailed across the woman's body before shifting to the man in question. His hands were gripping the sides of his face before he threw his arms up releasing a frustrated yell.

Rolling his eyes at the ivory haired man Joseph pushed off the wall stepping over to pat the man's shoulder, "Hey look on the bright side- with (Y/N) here, where's the need for another woman."

"Mr.Joestar-" Furrowing his brows together Polnareff shook his head seemingly shuddering, "I know you knew her when you were younger but you're so weird now." The man's words right away tore a laugh from you.

Something like that wasn't expected but it certainly was welcomed.

Instantly throwing out protests Joseph crossed his arms tilting his head up like an angry child, "At least I worked up the guts to kiss her- Twice mind you!" Holding up two fingers as though they were in some sort of competition Polnareff let out a groan.

"Once again- That sounds so weird right now!" Moving past the older man Polnareff wasted no time in swiping one of your hands tugging you to walk with him. "Come on (Y/N), Mr.Joestars sounding like a predator."

Right away following after the two of you Joseph released a whine, "Come on! You know the story behind it- give me a break!" Seeing that Polnareff merely sped up, Joseph shook his head, although a smile crept across his expression upon hearing the chorus of laughter emitted from you.

Ah if only he wasn't still being pursued by the police.

The once bright sky shifted into a darker hue, puffy white clouds still littered the sky hiding what few stars could be seen but they took on a grayer appearance.

Finding yourself standing before a body of water you tossed a few stones in watching the surface ripple after it's collision. A yawn threatened to sneak past your lips but you pushed it down continuing to throw stones.

Polnareff at the moment was currently moping over what'd happened with the Empresses stand user, the man having nearly kissed her before the woman as you like to say 'shed her skin'.

Hearing part of the conversation currently happening above, you tossed the remaining stones away before turning in place, eyes trailing up the small cliffs edge towards where everyone stood.

"So what's happening now?"

Trailing his gaze away from Joseph towards where you stood Kakyoin let out a hum, "We're going to be heading out now." Beginning with that his lilac hues trailed across your form, he was certain you were injured earlier but you appeared to have been walking and moving around perfectly fine.

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