Chapter 56

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Scuffing the soles of your shoes against the cement staircase a groan bubbled up your throat upon seeing that you'd barely even made it halfway down the excruciatingly long staircase. Its remaining steps now practically laughing in your face, mocking how long this one menial task was taking you.

"I've run laps around an island, held literal orbs of water and stairs is what I still struggle with." Grumbling that out under your breath, you reached out taking hold of the railing before continuing to make your way down, your feet padding down the steep cement blocks till they rested on the last step.

Clusters of students could already be seen spread out across the school's courtyard in the early mornings golden rays, all once again entranced by whatever conversation was happening between them blissfully ignoring what assignments or quizzes they might've had for the day.

Hopping off the last step and letting out a long breath your eyes lingered across the courtyard before moving your attention elsewhere. Raising one of your arms enough so that you could take a peek at the small watch wrapped around your wrist your eyes traced across the small metal arms coming to the conclusion that there would be a few more minutes until the bell would ring.

Your shoes tapped against the pavement as you trailed closer towards the large boxy building's main entrance. Like every other school you've seen, it kept a plain brick coated exterior with grey detailing that at some point, you might've assumed was white, all the while having large nearly floor to ceiling length windows.

Too bad they were kept closed most of the time. You were sure that if at least a few of them were open that the classrooms wouldn't be nearly as stuffy as they were.

Stepping past students and teachers alike you lingered close to the main entryway. As much as you wanted to head inside you knew the doors would be locked until the first bell rang.

Reaching down to bring up the headphones you once again had wrapped around your neck a sigh left your lips. Music was something you found yourself listening to quite often, in this life at least. It felt almost like an escape from reality, that and you discovered that it made whatever the thing was that was attached to you happy.

You've seen some pretty weird shit, but this was nearly the tip of the iceberg.

Waking up in a new body with some sort of humanoid-looking figure- who you found out literally nobody else could see, looming over you- now that was truly a 'what the fuck' moment.

After that it was practically some sort of trial and error for what it was; ghost was clearly your first guess but it couldn't walk through objects, which is ironic thinking that that was the only thing on your 'is this a ghost' criteria list.

However you did learn that it was sound-based, really liked music, and even is the main reason you were able to just carry around a set of headphones and nothing else. The vibrations created could be directly transmitted to them much to your surprise.

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