Chapter 80

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The two men were by your side in an instant, eyes filled with worry as they surveyed the knife burrowed into your leg, something that couldn't be removed right then and there.

"I'm alright, I'm alright. If we don't touch it I'll be fine." Insisting that, even if you yourself were freaking out, the words seemed like enough for now. All your attention now moving towards a voice that'd called out, the form of a disgusting looking man now emerging from behind a wall.

"You dumbass! I'm J.Geil! That poor sap is just a drifter who happened to be in town. He's lucky your girl toy here caught onto my trick! I just cut him up a little bit so he could have the same wound as me!" Laughter bubbled off him in harsh breaths. "You almost fell for it! Approaching without even knowing what I looked like was a huge mistake!"

Clenching his hand into a fist lilac hues glared towards him, Hierophant Green gradually manifesting in front of him "You bastard...Take this! My Emerald-" "Hey, hold up!"

"Take a good look around you!" Raising a hand J.Geil called out, "Hey, gather 'round! These nice fellas tell me they're giving out money!"

Moving to stand you bit your tongue at the burning sensation choosing to remain amongst the floor, both Polnareff and Kakyoin tried their best to keep the growing crowd away but more people continued gathering around.

"Do you finally see what's going on? You think you saw through my Stand? You fools. I've known about my Stand's weakness for quite some time!" A slash appeared across Polnareff's chest spouting blood. "If there are so many reflective surfaces that you can't figure out it's trajectory, it had no weakness!"

Blocking out all the chaos around you, your eyes right away trailed towards a golden coin buried in the dirt, something that could help you in that very moment.

Reaching back and tugging on Kakyoin's pants you right away reached for his hand tucking the coin into his palm, the redhead instantly understood what you meant cracking a faint smile cutting off whatever Polnareff was beginning to say. "Polnareff, that's not what you should say in this situation. While exacting revenge, you shouldn't say something lame like, 'why you'. You should say this..." Resting a hand onto his hip he spoke loudly and confidently.

"My name is Kakyoin Noriaki! To avenge my friend, Avdol...and so that the soul of my friend Polnareff's sister may rest in peace...I will have you pay with your life." The coin you handed him was raised into the air instantly catching the mob's attention. "The gold coin will go to whoever picks it up first! It's shiny enough to see your own face in!"

Flipping the coin into the air Kakyoin's head turned towards Polnareff, "It looks like all thief eyes are focused at one point now. So now we know the trajectory Hanged Man will have to take!"

Glancing towards where you were among the ground then back towards Kakyoin, Polnareff's expression pulled into a smile. "Merci, Kakyoin, (Y/N)."

A strong vibration rumbled the ground below everyone causing the dust and dirt to fly up, the cluster of people each continued reaching for the coin despite being blinded by the particles now drifting through the air.

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