Chapter 52

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Processing what the man was saying you blinked a few times, what the man had said would make a lot more sense than what you initially assumed. Though it was a lot to wrap your head around.

The childhood of this life that you thought was yours...was never yours to begin with was it?

That would explain why everything felt unfamiliar to you, nothing but your mind was your own meaning everything else was just a fabrication- a way to bring you back and for what? You still didn't understand. Was this the universe playing some sort of sick joke on you or was this some punishment for a past life you didn't recall? "So I replaced someone?"

Hearing you ask this Speedwagon couldn't help but fiddle with the sleeves of his jacket, the answer you were looking for wasn't something he could give you in that very moment unfortunately. "It is possible." His eyes trailed across your expression watching it visibly drop into a neutral look, eyes trailing across the ground for a second till he reached out resting a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "You shouldn't worry too much about what we don't know yet. The Speedwagon foundation will always be there for you if you need it, you're an old friend after all."

Feeling the man's reassuring touch you let out a breath, eyes moving up from the ground towards where he stood. "Thank you. You've done a lot for me and-" "J-JoJo!" Interrupting what you were saying Smokey had a hand raised pointing towards the battle ground of Kars and Joseph.

The brunette in question was struggling to hold a rope that'd been attached to Lisa Lisa's legs, the woman being dangled over the pointed rocks below. "JoJo! Lisa Lisa!" Right away at the mention of the woman's name Smokey raised his brows in surprise.

"Lisa Lisa? That Lisa Lisa? Do you mean the baby on the ship Granny Erina told us about? T-That means that woman is JoJo's..." Swallowing thickly Smokey kept his eyes intently focused on the pair. "JoJo doesn't realize his mother's life is in his hands! Mr.Speedwagon, Miss (Y/N), we should tell him!"

"We can't." Answering plainly, your own gaze fixed itself on the two, Joseph's hands were getting torn up from the rope and because of the rocks below making your way over would be too difficult. "Joseph doesn't need to worry more than he already is."

"It's not the time." Adding onto what you were saying Speedwagon ran his hand across the brim of his hat, the man's already worn down expression seemed even worse before he turned calling out towards the German man behind. "Stroheim, are you done with the vampires?! We have to help Jojo!"

"Give me a break! You think we can get rid of them in just a minute or two?!" Yelling that out the lights attached to the man brightened, absolutely obliterating the vampires lined up before him. Though even after they disintegrated more just showed up swarming the man.

Casting your gaze around the surrounding area you took in a breath trying to find something you could use to aid the others. Quickly catching sight of the bow Speedwagon had tied around his collar you reached out without thinking, pulling one of the ends quickly, "Mind if I borrow this?"

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