Chapter 48

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Shifting around uncomfortably in the faintly padded chair your attention remained focused on the blond before you, bandages were wrapped around sections of his body covering up stitches and wounds you weren't even aware of.

At least he was stable now.

Raising a hand you faintly adjusted the scarf Joseph had lent, the fabric of which was soft to the touch and carried a subtle oriental smell, something you'd relate to tea leaves if not fainter. In all honesty you didn't think the buff brunette would be someone to have such a subtle scent- maybe something mustier but you were pleasantly surprised.

Fixing the way the scarf sat, your ears perked up at the sound of a knock on the door. "Come in." Calling that out albeit softly to not accidentally wake Caesar your head turned watching the door swing upon.

A tall man entered, one that you recalled Joseph knowing but couldn't for the life of you remember the man's name.

"He's in stable condition. That's good." Closing the door behind him the blond casted his gaze over Caesar before moving it towards where you sat, a hand was outstretched in greeting. "Rudol Von Stroheim, I've come to ask you a few questions."

Staring at his outstretched hand you raised a brow faintly recalling that the majority of the man was made out of cybernetics. "You going to crush my hand?"

Realizing why you were asking, he spared you a faint grin, "Would you regenerate?"

Pressing your lips firmly together a hum left through your nose, "I don't work that way." Reaching out, you accepted his hand in your own, giving it a firm shake. "What questions do you think I have answers to?"

"How your body works." Right away seeing that your brows began furrowing downwards he added on, "We've been tailing your group since they left the cabin and came across the information that you've lived longer than any human out there. I want to know how?"

Raising a hand you gave a faint wave towards him, "Beats me. Even now I still don't understand it myself so whatever information you can gather- please share."

Moving one of his hands to rest beneath his chin the man released a hum in thought, his whole demeanour was much calmer than when you first saw him. But you also presumed it was because he was in a more calm state of mind compared to when he seemed ready to take on one of the Pillar Men.

"Would you mind if we took a blood sample?" At the question you once again stared skeptically at the man.

"Will I be informed on any of your findings if I do give you a sample?" Wanting to know that if they found anything that you'd be informed of it your eyes trailed across Stroheim's features watching him give a nod.

"Anything we find we'll let you know of."

Taking a moment to consider what he was saying you gave a faint nod, slipping one of your arms out from the sleeve of your jacket making sure that the inside of your elbow was easily accessible.

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