Chapter 81

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Dried grass and varying rocky structures passed by as the bus drove on, it's engine purred lowly rumbling through the entire vehicle.

Finding yourself seated beside Kakyoin you couldn't help but lean back into the faux leather seat, one leg resting against the row in front while your injured leg laid out in the aisle as to not put much strain on it.

"Sorry that you have to babysit me." Absentmindedly musing that out you recalled how he'd carried you all the way to the bus proceeding afterwards to not only offer something to drink but also check up on how the wound was.

Drifting his gaze away from the window and towards where you sat, the edges of his lips curled into a soft smile, one that practically spoke volumes. "It's no problem really. I'd rather help as much as I can till we can get you proper help." Leaning back into his seat the redhead's gaze locked with your own. "Don't want it getting worse right?"

"I mean I don't think it's too bad..." Your words trailed off as you noticed the look he was giving you, one that a knowing mom would typically give their sick child who'd been trying to convince them they were fine. "Thank you though. I really appreciate it." Turning your head away from the redhead you nodded your head as well.

Allowing his gaze to linger across the side of your face for a second or two more they trailed back out the window seeing that the bus was beginning to near a large red bridge. "Hey, It's coming into view."

"The city of Varanasi." At the mention of the city your eyes trailed out the window towards the various buildings, each had their own unique look to them all the while still maintaining an appearance that fit with the surrounding scenery.

Soon enough the bus pulled up to a stop and your group shuffled out onto the sidewalk, you of course using Kakyoin to support yourself since you felt embarrassed about needing to be carried everywhere.

Seeing Joseph turn in place holding his arm, Jotaro quirked a brow, "What's wrong? Gramps, you feeling okay?"

"It looks like my bug bite is getting infected." Turning he motioned towards his arm showing a pink coloured mound, something that made your nose scrunch up.

"It's definitely swollen. You should get that checked before it gets worse." Musing that out Kakyoin's gaze traveled across the 'bite', one of his hands coming up to rest beneath his chin in thought.

Leaning over to look at the old man's arm as well, Polnareff stared at it for a good few seconds, "You know, doesn't it kind of look like a face?" Hearing him point that out you yourself couldn't help but agree.

"Hey, don't joke like that Polnareff." Scolding the man Joseph shook his head before adding on, "I'll get this checked out and also get (Y/N) properly patched up." Gesturing towards where you stood he offered out his other hand knowing that you might need the assistance.

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