Chapter 57

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Surprisingly enough for the next few days, you noticed that there was a certain presence lacking from the hallway and from the corner of the biology classroom.

It wasn't that you missed the ebony haired man, but more like you were curious as to where he was and what he was doing. Typically things that revolved around the delinquent spread around the school like a wildfire, but everything was quiet.

Even his cluster of fangirls were especially quiet, barely uttering a word.

Sitting in your usual assigned seat your eyes bounced between leaves drifting past the window, their carefree nature drew out a low sigh from you wishing you'd been outside to enjoy the warm afternoon sun instead of inside stuck in some stuffy classroom, listening to some boring presentation.

Tapping your fingers gently against the surface of your wooden desk a nasally sigh once again left you, your eyes reluctantly trailed away from the beauty of the outdoors towards the monochrome clock attached to the wall.

Right as your eyes met the tip of the clock's arm the loud school bell chimed signifying the end of what you dubbed a very long and boring school day.

"Ah miss (L/N), can you come to the front before leaving?" Hearing someone call for you, your eyes lingered towards the front of the classroom seeing that your teacher was waving a hand as if still trying to get your attention.

Gathering your stuff and reluctantly nearing the older woman you stood before her desk staring down at her as she shuffled through some drawers. "Is there something you needed?"

"You're friends with that Kujo boy aren't you?" At the mention of the missing delinquent you couldn't help but huff faintly, the idea that she thought the two of you were friends was odd to you considering your only real interaction with him was during class when you were assigned as partners most of the time.

"I'd say acquaintances at best." Correcting her on what she'd said you rolled faintly onto the back of your heel lacing your fingers behind your back, the statement clearly caused her to pause thinking for a second.

"My apologies then. He's usually the hardest person to pair in this class so I assumed you two must've been friends with how easily the both of you get assignments done. That and you haven't been sent to the nurses' room yet." The 'yet' at the end of her explanation led you to believe the teens previous biology partners hadn't lasted as long as you.


A look of escape presumably crossed your expression when your eyes flickered towards the window signifying your want to leave, for the woman before you let out an airy laugh. "Anyways, I was just wondering if you could drop off this week's homework for him? His mother contacted the school this morning to check-in and has said that the both of you live not too far away from one another."

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