Chapter 95

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"So we're getting a new car? Again?" Standing beside Joseph by the dealership's tall desk he let out a hum, nodding at what you'd said.

After the Lovers incident, the group migrated towards a more condensed area of town planning for a new form of transportation.

You'd taken to lingering around whoever was closest, which at this point in time was Joseph, Polnareff was around somewhere and both Joseph and Kakyoin waited outside discussing what'd just happened or just talking in general.

The mini version of Jotaro's jacket you had was fortunately retrieved and currently being worn once more, the item in question actually being retrieved by the ebony haired man himself.

"Come on (Y/N)." Being handed a clipboard Joseph trailed towards a couch where a familiar head of ivory hair sat, moving to stand behind Polnareff, Joseph used the man's hair to finish filling out the clipboard. "Polnareff, I hate to interrupt you while you're conducting business, but..."


"We're heading out." Piping up you held back a laugh at how frizzy the frenchmans hair had become, your eyes watching him frantically try to fix it.

"Come on! Don't mess with the hair! It's not easy maintaining this hairstyle."

"Who gives a shit about your hairstyle? Just drive." Turning, Joseph motionted for you to follow, the both of you now beginning to trail out of the establishment.

Lacing your hands behind your back a hum left you, "Say Joseph, why are we buying an expensive car to cross the desert?" The question was something you'd been curious about for a bit since entering the dealership.

"Yeah, shouldn't we be getting like an off-road vehicle?" Popping up into your peripheral polnareff added onto your question.

Continuing to walk through the front doors the older man held them open for the both of you. "You'll see."

A luxury car awaited the group by the front of the dealership, the inside of which was quite comfortable but you had a suspicion that it wouldn't last long.

Finding yourself seated this time around between Jotaro and Kakyoin, you couldn't help but notice the redhead's expression remained firm, concentrated even. "Everything alright Kakyoin?" Bringing his attention towards where you sat, lilac hues briefly trailed across your face.

"Ah nothing. I'm just enjoying the view. I know we'd see if anyone was following us, but..." Trailing off he folded his arms over one another. "I can't shake the feeling we're being watched."

Looking through the rearview mirror Polnareff let out a hum, "Yeah, can't blame you."

The conversation trailed off from there and you found yourself staring out the sunroof, the clear blue sky outside was nice and all bit it was getting quite hot outside- not nearly enough so that you'd want to take off your jacket but it was getting there.

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