Chapter 78

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"Excuse me, have you happened to see a man with two right hands?" Standing before one of the many stalls lining the streets your eyes trailed across the owner's face, your left hand had been raised pointing towards your right hand as if to help them understand what you were talking about.

It's been more than a few hours at this point, you'd been asking around one area and Polnareff another. Neither of you were getting any leads unfortunately.

Rain had begun pouring not too long ago and your entire body was practically drenched to the bone, hair now sticking to the sides of your face much to your annoyance.

"No? You haven't? Alright, well thank you for your time." Visibly deflating as the stall owner shook their head a long sigh left you, turning in place you scanned the area trying to look for your white haired companion all the while beginning to run down the street.

(E/C) hues surveyed the bland surrounding area falling quickly upon a familiar tall hair style, "Poln-" The words barely left your lips as your shoes lost their traction against the ground slippin against the wet surface.

Throwing your hands up in an attempt to balance yourself a hand right away landed itself onto your back, whoever it was helping to steady you all the while a voice spoke. Their voice was rough but pleasing to hear and you could pick up on a southern drawl, "Careful there little lady, wouldn't want you to fall."

Steadying yourself back up and turning towards who'd helped your eyes right away fell on as you figured- some sort of cowboy. Blond hair seemed untouched by the rain and deep blue eyes stared down at you from beneaths his hat's brim, a charming smile was set out across his lips but there was just something about him that had you feeling uneasy.

"Oh uh thank you." Finding yourself uttering a quick thanks your eyes lingered across the man's expression before taking note that the rain had stopped and the sun was beginning to peek through.

Opening his mouth as if to add on another voice cut through the air, "(Y/N)!" Your eyes right away found the gaze of Polnareff, who at the moment was glaring towards the man who'd stopped you from falling.

Casting your gaze between the two of them you took a step aside, away from the cowboy, the feeling from earlier was present once more and from the way Polnareff was glaring could you assume that feeling was more than accurate.

"The gun is mightier than the sword. Man, ain't that one for the books?" Tugging on the brim of his hat the cowboy's gaze trailed away from where you stood towards Polnareff.

Moving a hand your way in a subtle come here motion Polnareff's posture straightened out, his eyes were still intently focused on the mystery man merely waiting till you were closer to begin speaking. "Just who are you?"

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