Chapter 71

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After hours of drifting through the water, the boat eventually docked on land. The new location of your group now residing in Singapore.

"It's about time we're finally here." Breathing that out Polnareff rolled his shoulders back, the white haired man making up one side of the circle the group had formed.

"We'll stay at a hotel tonight and figure out the best route to Egypt." Beginning with that Joseph casted his gaze around the groups before settling them on you. "We'll get you something proper to wear too." Trailing his gaze away the man pointed towards one of the closest hotels. "We'll be staying at that one!"

Beginning to lead the group towards said building the sound of a whistle being blown halted everyone, a police officer now stood behind the group calling out. "Hey, you! Yeah, you there!" A hand was raised pointing towards Polnareff. "You left this trash on the ground, didn't you? That'll be five hundred Singapore dollars!"

"Huh? Five hundred?" "Here in Singapore, littering is prohibited by the law!"

"You hear me?" Keeping a hand pointed towards the confused white haired man the officer then pointed down towards the ground, the action of which finally drew out a laugh from you.

Pointing down at it himself Polnareff narrowed his eyes towards the man, "I don't see anything except my luggage sitting right beside me!" Poking a finger at the officer he continued. "Would you be so kind as to point out this trash you're speaking of? Where's the trash, buddy?"

Sweat was now visibly trailing down the officer's face as he spoke nervously, "That's your luggage?"

"That's right." "E-Excuse me!"

Laughter rang out loudly, though one in particular outshone the rest- the owner of which was none other than Anne who'd quickly realized everyone had quieted down and now jutted her head to the side.

Shooing the officer away Polnareff turned, resting a hand on his hip, "What's with the kid? She's still following us."

"Hey, weren't you going to see your father?" Inquiring that Joseph's eyes stared down at the girl.

"Why don't you stop following us and ge-" "Polnareff pick up your hobo sack." Cutting the white haired man off with a jab to the side you tilted your head down towards the bag still laid out amongst the floor, his comment was unneeded.

Releasing a huff Anne set herself down onto a ledge, "He'll be here in five days. I can go wherever I want! I don't have to take orders from you guys." Shaking her head while speaking her gaze eventually trailed towards where you and Jotaro stood, no more words leaving her lips.

"She'll be at risk if she stays with us." Maybe she doesn't have any money?" "All right..." At Kakyoin's input, Joseph let out a sigh. "I guess we can pay for her hotel room. Polnareff, we don't want to hurt her pride, so use some tact."

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