Chapter 28

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With the two of you making your way back up towards the fight Speedwagon made sure to remain on guard, minions and knights of the like could still be lingering about even if the fight was nearing or at its end.

"Stay close," Murmuring that out the blond let go of your hand stepping towards a set of doors only to pause pressing his ear against the side, unknowingly the door had swung open and the man let out a noise in surprise falling forward into the room. Snapping his head up the man visibly relaxed seeing a familiar face peering down at him. "Ah, has the fight finished?"

The large bald man gave a nod, his hand outstretched to help Speedwagon back up before his eyes trailed over towards where you stood.

"Oh, Tonpetty this is (Y/N). The lady Jonathan and I were talking about." Brushing off his suit Speedwagon gestured over towards where you stood beckoning you into the room.

Tonpetty in response to the introduction stared you down, he'd heard about you from Zeppeli but now seeing you in person- he could tell something felt off. Turning his head he spoke towards Speedwagon, waving off your presence, "JoJo has won the battle."

A look of utter joy crossed your features as well as Speedwagon and the both of you turned looking towards where Tonpetty gestured towards.

The navy haired man in question was leaning over the side of the balcony, shoulders squared and seemingly staring down at what rested below.

"JoJo, you did it!" Breathing that out after pushing forward past Speedwagon you lingered along the balcony's archway, the man's shoulders tensed instantly at the sound of your voice but as he turned there was an instant spark of relief.

"(Y/N). . ." The name left his lips quietly, nearly hesitant to actually say anything before he pushed forward picking you off the ground with a spin, his hand right after found their way to your cheeks softly brushing his thumbs against the skin. "Are you alright? Did anything happen? Do you need to see a doctor or-" "I'm alright JoJo. I'm alright."

Cutting him off you spared him a closed lipped smile in reassurance, your response tasted bitter and made you feel guilty but you didn't want to ruin the man's achievement.

Letting the rest of his worries die down he scanned your face for a second or two, it hadn't dawned on him how much he'd missed your presence till you were gone. Cupping your cheeks he leaned forward pressing his lips to your own in a quick yet gentle kiss before pulling back to speak, his tone of voice was soft.

"(Y/N), stay by my side. Please."

Unable to form words in that very moment there was a sense of relief when the navy haired man swayed slightly leaning off to the side, reaching out and grasping his arm quickly upon realizing that he was passing out you pulled him forward using yourself as a buffer in order to rest the man amongst the floor.

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