Chapter 37

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"That Chivalrous bastard..." Watching the cart roll farther into the tunnel Caesar clenched his jaw. "Damn him! He's far more injured than both of us combined!"

"Have a little faith in him, I don't know Joseph that well but from what I can tell he's got a lot of fight in him." Speaking up as if to comfort the blond his green hues trailed over your face, he didn't like the idea of you getting hurt once more- you'd taken enough in his opinion and with you still learning Hamon there was no way he'd be willing to bring you back into the fight.

"Wait here," Without so much of an explanation Caesar began running after the pair, you of course wanted to go as well but were held back by Speedwagon.

Worry was evident on his face and reluctantly you settled back showing that you weren't going to follow, "You're going to open up the cuts on your back too much." Murmuring that out his eyes trailed across the torn fabric before falling onto your arm, the sleeve of which was pulled up and a faint red mark could be seen.

"I just don't want to be useless again. I actually know how to use hamon now- I mean it's not enough clearly bu-" "You're not being useless, you're taking precautions. Caesar and JoJo will be fine- like you said, have a little faith." Cutting you off right away the man faintly patted your shoulder in a comforting manner, he knew you wanted to be useful but nobody could've predicted what had just happened.

"We should head back up and wait for them." Gently nudging you towards where the entryway stairs were, the two of you proceeded to wait in the car till the duo arrived- although by this time you'd found yourself dozing off.

With the missing duo now settled into the car the group drove off to the hotel where their meeting spot was. Joseph, who was patched up rather quickly and given a change of clothes, was now seated within a chair complaining to Caesar.

"If I knew he was gonna take me seriously I would've said a year instead! And I don't even know why (Y/N) had to be involved."

"Come on, JoJo. Are you out of your mind? You need to think, seriously! And why was she even a part of the deal?!" Uncrossing his arms Caesar stared at the brunette before him, the deal that'd been made with Wamuu was a spur in the moment type thing and yet you didn't need to be within said deal.

"I am and I don't know!" Clutching his hair and tugging it Joseph let out a groan, he was way out of his league here.

Taking in a deep breath Caesar pushed off the table he was resting on, turning in place to pour a cup of water, "JoJo, you need to at least learn how to do this." Flipping the cup upside down sparks of hamon coated the top keeping the liquid inside. "Here. Just hold the water like that." Tossing the cup over Caesar watched him make an attempt to keep the water inside only resulting in it splashing everywhere.

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