Chapter 19

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The lingering heat left behind from the blond had gradually begun to disappear being sucked away by the cold air once again occupying every crevice of the room.

Feeling like you'd waited enough you closed the book setting it aside, your nerves still tingled recalling what had happened and you could practically feel your face flush from the thought. Raising both hands you patted your cheeks in a sort of pitiful manner knowing that smacking them would do nothing apart from making them redder.

Shaking your head and making your way towards the hall your ears perked up at the sound of yelling. It was almost nostalgic, to say the least- but you assumed they were grown enough to deal with things themselves.

That was at least until you made it to the main foyer just in time to see Jonathan throw Dio off the second floor, breaking the railing in the process.

Your jaw practically dropped upon seeing the blond and you couldn't help but call out, "Dio!? Oh my god, are you okay?" Moving to see if he was alright Jonathan called out from the top floor right away causing you to pause.

"Stay away from him (Y/N)!" Yelling that out the navy haired man then pointed towards where Dio currently resided. "I see what you've been planning! You never had any love for me! I won't let out near my father or (Y/N)!" What looks to have been a small paper envelope was clutched within his other hand as he spoke. "I'll analyze this medicine and give it to the police!"

Eyeing the blond as he got up no words were uttered from him and instead he'd just begun walking away. The whole situation itself left you confused, what did you just walk into?

"JoJo what's happening?" Calling that out, your attention trailed towards where the navy haired man was, his expression was hard from the previous confrontation but it softened substantially when he looked up.

Pursing his lips together a sigh left him, the words were unpleasant but he felt as though you needed to know what was going on. "I am under the current assumption that Dio has been poisoning my father with whatever is in here." Gesturing towards the small packet in hand he added on, "And now I am planning to go find out what exactly it is and how to cure it."

Taking in that new thread of information your eyes found themselves staring down at the carpet. Dio had been poisoning Mr.Joestar? Originally you would've just asked if he was serious but by the fight and evidence brought out you really weren't sure what to believe, which led to your own natural curiosity and want to help.

"I'll come with you."

Right away Jonathan objected to the idea of you tagging along, "No, it's too dangerous. You're better off staying." Insisting on that he tried to give you a firm look before his expression relaxed upon seeing a look that practically said 'really?'.

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