Chapter 61

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Staying to chat with the three for a bit longer you eventually took your leave, the sun having begun to dip softly into the horizon.

Though the next morning you found yourself trailing back towards the Kujo household; perhaps to check in on Kakyoin or perhaps to see if Jotaro was heading to school, you weren't exactly sure but intuition told you to head over.

Stopping before the front door and raising a hand to knock, it was opened soon after by the redhead you'd been wondering about. His eyes right away trailed across your face before he let out a soft hum, "I would say good morning but it seems like it hasn't been all too good."

Seeing him step to the side you entered the house taking off your shoes all the while sparring him a questioning look.

"What do you mean? It looks like you're doing better?"

"It's Mrs.Holly, she fell ill this morning." Beginning with that he let out a long breath. "Mr.Joestar and Jotaro have been looking over her since this morning. Mr.Avdol has been in the library looking at leads for where Dio could be."

At the mention of the blond you frowned faintly, you assumed him stealing Jonathan's body has affected the entire bloodline.

"So what does she have exactly?"

Glancing towards where you walked beside him, Kakyoin pursed his lips together in thought, "A stand. She developed a stand." beginning with that he trailed towards one room, in particular, the inside of which was lined by various bookshelves and inside was Avdol.

A floating flame drifted through the air before him as the man looked over the pages of a book.

"Sorry. But I am busy at the moment." Calling that out from where he stood the man didn't bother turning to address the two of you.

"Is it actually possible for your own stand to kill you?" That wasn't what you thought was going on, but as the redhead spoke could you understand why everyone was worried.

Sparing a glance towards where the two of you peeked in, Avdol returned to his book answering, "It is. In the past, I have seen many people suffer this fate. Right now, it is only her back. But eventually, that Stand, growing like a fern, will slowly bind Ms.Holly's entire body. She will suffer from a high fever and various illnesses, and then eventually, she will fall into a coma. She will die."

"It will appear to most people she is dying from an unknown illness, and not even the most skilled doctors will be able to cure her. No one, not even you nor (Y/N) nor I, can do anything about it," Setting the book he'd been reading down onto a small pile on the floor his gaze trailed towards you and Kakyoin seeing your somber expressions.

"But there is still hope. It will take about fifty days for her to reach this point. If we are able to destroy the connection with Dio's Stand, we can save her." His assurance was nice and you couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved, Holly was a kind hearted woman, someone who you could closely relate to what your image of an ideal mother was.

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