Chapter 62

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The interior of the plane buzzed softly from the sound of the engine purring, the wheels having left the ground a long time ago leaving it to trail through the sky. Everyone was preoccupied with whatever they were doing; in this case either reading or taking a nap.

Your row for one took the latter route, all three of you; Joseph, Jotaro, and yourself had dozed off as soon as the plane smoothed out. Both the men used their hats to cover most of their faces. While you just tilted your head up practically gaping like a fish, drool nearly escaped you, never having realized for the past few days how utterly exhausted you'd been.

Perhaps it was seeing an old friend again that allowed you to sleep in such a place.

Jolting in place, Joseph swiped the hat off his face, the man's attention shifting to the side to see that he'd startled you awake and that Jotaro also held the same concerned expression as him.

"He saw us. I definitely felt Dio looking at us just now!" Claiming that his eyes trailed across the other seats.

Holding back a yawn you made an attempt to rub the sleep from your eyes, "He took a spirit photo?"

"Yeah. Be careful. A Stand user may already be on this plane." Instructing that Joseph casted his eyes around the surrounding area, the others doing to same.

A few minutes into watching the surroundings, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Rising up from your seat and shuffling out into the aisle you received a questioning look, to which you rolled your eyes faintly. "I'm just going to the bathroom. I'm not jumping out of the plane."

Crossing his arms the older man let out a hum, "Keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

Giving the man a sarcastic salute you turned in place to begin making your way down the aisle, only stopping as a loud buzzing sounded. Focusing on what the noise was coming from you couldn't help but flinch at the flying insect, there was no way in hell that was a fly. "What the fuck was that?!"

Hearing the noise as well and standing up himself Jotaro's eyes narrowed towards the flying insect, "It's a stag beetle."

Leaning over Avdol's seat Joseph spoke to the man, "Is it a Stand? Could we already be encountering another Stand user?"

"Quite possibly. It could be a bug-shaped Stand." Watching the beetle disappear behind a row of seats Avdol waved a hand your way signifying for you to move back towards the group. "Where is it?"

Silence followed the question, the buzzing that the beetle emitted from before was no longer heard till Kakyoin's head snapped to the side. A hand raising out to point towards the ebony haired man, "Jojo! It's right next to you!"

Staying where you stood, your eyes nearly bulged from their sockets upon seeing how large the beetle actually was. "It's huge! There's no way that things not a Stand." The mouth between its mandibles practically foamed up, leading to the assumption of it being a stand once more.

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