Chapter 12

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Having been told to wait outside the establishment you found yourself leaning against the side of the shop, back against the brick wall and arms crossed over one another while your foot tapped against the ground in an impatient manner.

Sure you'd won the bet but that led to the blond telling you to wait outside much to your annoyance.

"Ah excuse me," Turning your head to the side as a soft voice had called out, your eyes landed on the form of a girl, her blond hair and blue eyes struck a chord of familiarity almost instantaneously, your mind piecing together that this was the same girl who you and Jonathan met quite some time ago. "You're Jonathan's friend aren't you?"

Nodding your head at the question your lips curled up into a slight smile, "Yes I am and you're the girl we helped a while back, right?" she gave a nod at the assumption and you merely added on. "Pleased to meet you then. Sorry, I never gave you my name back there but it's (Y/N)." Extending one of your hands towards the girl she took it gently in her own.

"Erina." Taking your extended hand she shook it softly, her blue hues trailed across your features momentarily finding that you were indeed as pretty as Jonathan had mentioned.

"That's a very pretty name," Smiling after stating that you added on, "Have those boys come back to bully you since we last saw each other? Because if so I can have a chat with them?" Raising a brow after stating that you let go of the girl's hand crossing your arms in an intimidating yet gentle manner.

Her blond hair swayed slightly while the girl shook her head, "Not at all. I haven't seen them since then actually." Shaking her hands as well to emphasize her point they then soon fell in front of her, the girl choosing to lace them with one another. "So thank you for that."

"It was no problem really," It felt nice to talk with the girl, she appeared to have a very soft spoken voice and appeared almost reserved in nature. But there was also something about this encounter that didn't quite settle. "So, any plans for today?" It was a simple question but you could get a lot out of whatever she answered with.

"Oh, just spending time wit-" "Erina! There you are!" Both the blond and yourself turned towards who'd called out, your eyes right away fell upon none other than the form of your navy haired friend. Slowing down as he approached the girl his blue hues trailed over quickly falling upon where you stood, "Oh hello (Y/N). What are you doing in town? I thought you were supposed to be at home."

You weren't sure why but his greeting annoyed you a bit. Were you not allowed to do your own thing and check out the town or something?

"Just checking out some stores, what about you?" Answering quickly and firing the question back, your eyes trailed across the boy's attire, that of which was rather pristine, and if you didn't know any better the two were on some sort of date.

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