Chapter 73

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"Well, I guess that's one less stand user to worry about." Humming that out your gaze trailed around the area, trees and lush greenery sprouted along both sides of the pathway giving it a lively look.

A grunt in acknowledgment left the tall ebony haired man beside you, though no words left him.

Casting a glance towards Jotaro then briefly back towards where Kakyoin walked your eyes lingered on the redhead, you found it weird that he was walking so far behind though also just pushed it off to him wanting to enjoy the scenery as well.

"Say Anne, is there anything you'd like to do for the time being?" Leaning forward so that you could peer around Jotaro, your eyes landed on the small girl walking on the other side, her hands were folded behind her back and her gaze trailed around the area before landing on some sort of stand.

"How about that?!" Raising a hand she pointed briefly over towards it before running ahead of the group beginning to talk to the person manning the stand. "Can I have some ice cream?"

Shaking your head softly at the young girl, your attention swayed towards Jotaro who spoke up in response to the man trying to sell some chilled coconuts. "I guess we'll try it." Raising a hand he added on, "We'll take four."

"Yes, thanks! That's twenty four dollars."

"Well, this should cover it." Reaching into one of his pockets Kakyoin fished out his wallet passing over the amount required, the redhead right after moving after to put his wallet away.

Seeing that the stand owner was passing over the cut open coconuts you opted to be the one to pass them around seeing as both Jotaro and Anne appeared preoccupied. The small girl right away took the offered item as did Jotaro, leaving you holding the remaining two.

"-Spill your guts!" Snapping your head back at the sound of yelling your eyes right away found what Jotaro and Anne were focused on, the redhead of the group surprisingly enough was currently beating up some unknown man.

"Kakyoin!" Watching him raise the man up into the air Jotaro yelled out once more, his expression became stern. "Hey! What's wrong with you, Kakyoin? You'll kill him!"

"Th-That back-breaker! What a vicious move!" Unable to tear her gaze away from what was happening Anne held a look of surprise.

Sharing a look of surprise yourself you glanced towards the ebony haired man then Kakyoin, "I- somethings not right with him, Kakyoin's not someone who'd get this violent over a pickpocketer let alone someone who'd swear that much."

"Kakyoin! I said back off! Got it?" Knocking some sense into the redhead Jotaro shoved him away kneeling to check over the man that'd been beat up. "Dammit, Kakyoin. What's gotten into you? Are you insane?"

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