Chapter 43

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"If this keeps up, it won't just be Suzi Q in trouble, but the rest of us as well!" Holding the towel closer around her body Lisa Lisa's brows were angled in a way that showed her current worry and hesitancy. "V-Very well. JoJo, use your ripple on Suzi Q!"

"Goddammit! Don't make me do this! I still have nightmares about chopping off Stroheim's leg!" Remaining in place Joseph didn't lift a finger, he was hesitant to attack the blond and it was beginning to seem like nobody was willing to either.

"We need to come up with a plan!" Unfurling the whip at your side. You flicked it forward watching as the end wrapped around the small blond's body, the length of it keeping her arms down from continuing to scratch at the skin. "I'm open to suggestions!"

Seeing that nobody was moving you let out a groan, "Seriously? Come on!? Anything?!"

"I have an idea!" Announcing that Joseph continued speaking, "Caesar, you remember our training? We'll try that! It's do or die! Let's go for it while (Y/N) has her restrained!"

Not knowing exactly what they were talking about, your attention remained focused on the squirming form of Suzi, eyes wild like a caged animal. Both Joseph and Caesar ran forward, the two resting their hands on the blond all the while sparks of hamon flew off them.

Soon enough what looked to be a brain slipped out from the back of the girl's dress, the spider-like shape of it leaped into the air towards Joseph.

"You forced him out!" Calling that out Lisa Lisa's eyes focused on the brain watching it begin to fizzle away due to the sun's rays.

Tugging your attention away from the brunette and moving towards Suzi the whip loosened from around her allowing you to lower her to the ground. The damage done to her was too much for her frail body to handle and you couldn't help but clench your jaw.

Kneeling across from you by Suzi's other side Caesar held the same expression as you, "That lowlife scum. Hiding away in a girl's body like that..."

"Caesar, you just don't get it!" Drawing the attention of the blond Joseph watched the remainder of Esidis fizzle away. "The two of us fought, so I think I know. He threw away his pride and did all he could to get the Stone for his allies. For thousands of years, he lived his life to the fullest. Whether good or bad...I respect the life he lived."

Pursing your lips together you thought over his words; as an opponent you would respect the man, as a friend of Suzi Q however- now that was a different story.

Quickly after sharing a few words with the three of you Lisa Lisa shooed you all out of the room, the woman spared some reassuring words saying that she'd take care of Suzi and would find out where the parcel was going.

Ending up outside and sitting along a set of stairs you rested your chin in the palm of your hand, elbow balanced across your leg. Neither of the boys brought up what had just happened and it wasn't until Joseph planted himself on the step above you and Caesar leaned against the wall did a conversation begin.

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