Chapter 25

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Biting back an array of insults you wanted to hurl towards the blond he seemed to just simply smile at your silence, the list of things you could currently do was gradually becoming shorter with your lack of hamon abilities and lack of any enhancements.

"Hamon? Is that what it's called? That little breathing trick?" Moving his gaze away from where the group stood below and towards where you were stiffly standing he let out a hum returning his attention forward. "Well if you want to huff and puff..." The ground beneath your feet began to shake once more much like when the zombies initially appeared leading you to assume that another thing was coming. "Then you should trumpet a fanfare in my honor! Tarukus! Black knight Blueford! This fight is beneath me. Arise! Make their screams a fanfare dedicated to me!"

A chunk of rock beneath Jonathan began to rise up from the ground before two figures emerged, "In the 16th century, an ill-fated queen was slain by Elizabeth I. You, fierce knights who served Queen Mary Stuart! Settle this! I leave the extermination of these pests to you! Enjoy."

"Be careful JoJo!" Calling out despite knowing that there was a small chance your words went heard your eyes honed in on the scene below, your arm had begun to grow numb from the tight hold of Dio but at this point, it was the least of your worries.

"Every Englishman knows the legendary knights Tarukus and Blueford. Even history bows to my will! Going on afterward to tell the tale of the two knights Dio's expression twisted up into a crazed grin. "And the story of their delusion gave me goosebumps. These legendary heroes cursed the world. I dug them up and gave them life! I turned them into unstoppable revenants!"

After finishing up with what he'd been saying Dio turned his head glancing towards where you stood, his smile faltered upon doing so seeing that your attention was fully focused on the group below as opposed to being focused on him. Maneuvering in place his free hand wasted no time in curling beneath your face, taking your chin into his palm, fingers slightly smushing your cheeks in the process before using this new leverage to turn your head towards him.

"And here I was under the impression that I was the main focus. But alas it was that pathetic man down there." A sort of warning squeeze was given before he observed the way your attention waned, wanting to go back to the fight below. "You know I don't like you looking at other men, not when I'm right here." It had seemed like there was more he wanted to add before being called by one of the knights below.

"Lord Dio, this young man had a great deal of spirit! I ask for the pleasure of drawing the curtains on his life!"

"As you will." Waving off the knight with ease Dio's focus returned to where you were, nearly letting out a laugh at how pathetic your attempts to slip out of his hold were. "Is it so bad to be in my arms again? You certainly didn't mind back at home." Moving to lean in closer he practically purred out the words, exposed long canines shining in the moonlight as he did so.

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