Chapter 17

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Since the gala event, it would be safe to say you'd been inadvertently avoiding the duo. Telling them you had plans or that you were busy whenever they tried to drop by. . .your mother eventually took note of this and asked if everything was alright.

Which you told her everything was fine and of course, being your mother she didn't believe you. But chose not to press on and instead let you know that you were invited to the boy's university to watch their football game.

Leading to your current predicament, on the edge of a wooden bench, as far away from the other watchers as possible considering they appeared much more into the game than you were. That and they were all men due to women not typically being allowed to watch the games themselves.

With a loud cheer, the cluster of men stood up cheering, "The ball is intercepted by the school hero, Jonathan Joestar! Joestar, the mild-mannered, 195-cm giant sprints for the goal with a roar! Can he win his last game before graduating?!"

Resting your chin in the palm of your hand your eyes followed the tall navy haired man sprinting across the field, ball in hand and tucked underneath his arm. He ran a few more feet before someone from the opposing team had latched onto the man.

"He's been tackled! But he's still standing! Two more fly in! Three men are on him!" More players from the opposing team leaped towards the man holding on wherever they could, though without too much of a struggle Jonathan was able to continue forward. "Incredible! He's dragging them along in his charge towards the goal! What power! What determination! He's a juggernaut!"

Tuning out what was announced after, you watched a few more people make an attempt to stop the navy haired man, this time around being able to halt his movements.

"Come on Jonathan." Gradually becoming more interested in the game you couldn't help but mutter words of encouragement towards him even if they would go unheard. Another person leaped onto the man and it appeared as though he'd found himself unable to continue on opting to throw the ball.

Following where the brown oblong ball was headed it was snatched out of the air almost as quickly as it was thrown, the player who'd caught it being a familiar blond.

"Look who caught it! It's Dio! That's our Dio Brando!" After the announcement two of the opposing team's players jumped to tackle the blond, missing as Dio swerved to the side effortlessly dodging them. Running forward he continued to weave between any obstacles making it to the goal where he proceeded to flip touching the ball to the grass below.

You couldn't help but let out a cheer with the crowd having become more enthralled with the game, your eyes remained on the duo watching them interact with their team before congratulating one another.

"Look JoJo, our good luck charm." Pulling away from the team a bit to speak, Dio maintained the smile he held raising a hand to motion towards where you sat along the bench. "We should head back after and tell father about our win." Without saying anything else the blond began jogging away leaving Jonathan behind.

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