Chapter 75

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"So we went from a nice and comfortable train to some rickety old boat?" Releasing a long sigh while saying that you leaned back against one of the metal walls crossing your arms, from the way the boat rocked and swayed did you assume land was nearing, if not you prayed it was somewhat close.

"Yeah...I'm a bit worried." Scratching at his beard Joseph's eyes trailed towards you then Avdol, "Not about the boat though. I just picture India as a place where people only eat curry and can become sick at any moment."

Leaning over the older man's shoulder Polnareff piped in, "As for me, I'm worried I won't handle the culture gap well." He had a fair point, you personally weren't sure how quickly you could adapt to the differing food and or climate.

Laughing at what the three of you had said Avdol shook his head softly, his tone of voice light as he responded to what Joseph and Polnareff had mentioned. "That is a rather inaccurate assessment. Worry not. It is a nice country of simple folk. I can assure you." As he finished speaking the boat released a loud clanging noise, something that signified it had docked.

"Well, this is Calcutta. Let us be off. " Reaching out and craning open the boats door Avdol ushered everyone out, the group instantly being swarmed by various people all either talking or making grabby hands.

"Hey, gimme a tip!" "Want a tattoo? They're real spiffy!" "Need some antivenom? It won't give you a stomach ache."

Immediately forming a circle everyone's backs pressed against one another, the swarm of people was unexpected and sketchy if anything.

"I feel like someone's going to ro-" "Someone already stole my wallet!" Kakyoin's voice cut through the air right away, the redhead's eyes looking around for who might've stolen his wallet.

"See! I to-" "Hey, pretty lady do you want a massage? Half off just for you." Right away some man was in your face staring down at you, "Very special offer just for you."

Opening your mouth to answer, an arm was shoved between you and the man. "Back off man, she's not interested. Now give us some space damn it!" Exclaiming that Polnareff kept his arm in front of you all the while raising his bag into the air with his other, the man clearly annoyed with the amount of touchy people around the group.

Turning his head towards the egyptial man Joseph called out. "Avdol! Is all of India like this?!"

"Indeed! Is this not a great country?" Laughter once again rolled off the tanned man as he turned his attention back in order to respond to the Joestar, "This is exactly what makes this country so wonderful!"

Beginning to part from the cluster, Avdol waved a hand at the group, "Come, I know a place we can enjoy something to eat." Almost instantaneously everyone trailed behind the dark haired man knowing that he was someone who could successfully lead the group through the crowds.

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