Chapter 94

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Furious about what was being said, Jotaro was kicked back down onto the ground, the heel of Dan's shoe was ground into his back. "You fucker! That's where you're wrong! Grandpappy Joestar will be dead in seconds. Just face the facts"

"Clearly if you're thinking that way- then you don't know anything about our group." Calling out you watched his pink hues trailed back towards where you stood, a glare was once again present though you felt like now you could speak more freely. "You're underestimating us and clearly don't know anything about Kakyoin."

Waiting for him to snap back with something or make a declaration, a part of you was relieved to see a splatter of blood emerge from his forehead, a noise of surprise followed.

"Well, well, well...Looks like he finally did some damage." Rising up from the ground Jotaro readjusted his hat, blood was smeared across his face but that didn't stop the victorious grin from creeping across his face. "Here's hoping we have time for some personal payback once he's through with you. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's been waiting to knock your teeth in."

Beginning to breathe heavily, Dan took a step back.

"Oh? Not so confident now that you don't have a hostage? See, I called it from the start." Stepping beside Jotaro your eyes formed into a glare; the words were drawn out. "You're a coward."

"He's still stepping back," Staring down at the man Jotaro's lips remained curled up, the two of you continuing to egg the man on. "Why don't you tell me what happened to my grandfather?" Seeing that he was making an attempt to escape, Jotaro reached forward, catching the man's hair, yanking him back. "Hey hey hey, what's got you worked up? You need to be somewhere?"

"I think he's trying to run away." Piping that up your gaze briefly met with Jotaros.

"He wouldn't be trying to do that, would you? And at a time like this..."

Continuing to lurch forward the man's hair eventually snapped and he was crawling amongst the ground, "Please forgive me, Master Jotaro! I admit defeat! I can change! I'll lie on the ground and lick your boots! What I did was awful!"

Moving your gaze away from the sniveling man they surveyed the area, something was suspicious about what he was saying- sure Jotaro was intimidating as hell but to make claims like that just now? Suspicious.

"This guys a joke." Musing that out you could hear Jotaro release a grunt in agreement, the man shifting only slightly for you to see the blur of purple and Star Platinum's fingers pinched together.

The lovers caught between them.

"I figured you were planning something like this. Didn't you know that my Stand, Star Platinum, had perfect eyesight and precise reflexes?" A step was taken towards the man amongst the ground. "Are you sure you did your research on us?"

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