Chapter 72

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Turning his head towards who'd spoken, Joseph's eyes landed on your head peeking out from within the bathroom door, a towel could be seen wrapped around your head while water droplets trailed across whatever exposed skin.

"Oh, hey." Spotting the older man you gave him a somewhat questioning look knowing that there must've been something he needed.

Forcing out a cough into his hand the older man rubbed the back of his neck before raising the bag he'd brought, "I came to drop off some clothes. I hope they fit." Without missing a beat he stepped over watching you slip back into the bathroom opening it after once a towel was wrapped around your form.

"It better not be ugly."

"You wound me- I never pick ugly outfits." After saying that he could see you raise a brow, eyes trailing over his current outfit before letting out a hum.

Extending a hand out to take the back you mused out, "Whatever you say old man." Waiting for him to hand the bag over you disappeared back into the bathroom, closing the door.

Trailing over towards where Joseph Stood, Anne waited to see what kind of outfit the older man had picked out her eyes briefly trailing over what he wore. "Maybe you all need a makeover." Nodding to herself she watched Joseph roll his eyes at the comment, no words left him.

"Joseph, are you sure these are clothes and not pieces of a cut up umbrella?"

Raising a brow at what you'd said Joseph crossed his arms leaning back against the wall he stood in front, "Do you have them on?" A second or two after asking that his eyes right away followed the door as it swung open.

Both his and Anne's eyes trailed over the bright multiculoured jacket you wore finding that the puffy water repellent fabric matched well with the same fabric shorts, although instead of being brightly coloured like the jacket they were black.

"It does look like umbrella fabric." Allowing her eyes to trail across the outfit Anne pursed her lips together, it honestly wasn't as bad as she'd expected but there was also no way she'd openly admit it.

Raising a hand to rest it below his chin Joseph released a hum nodding to himself. "Not bad if I do say so myself." Bobbing his head along with those words he lowered his hand afterwards, face becoming neutral. "We should meet up with the others now that your clothing situation has been sorted."

Turning his gaze to the side, teal hues landed on Anne who'd been picking at her nails, the young girl seemingly in thought for a second or two before looking up upon feeling the man's gaze. "Stay here for the time being."

"Not like I'm planning to go anywhere anyways." Puffing out her cheeks while saying that Anne opened her mouth to add some more before releasing a whine and swatting away your hand which had come up to ruffle her hair.

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