Chapter 96: Rosanna

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AN: The Piarari Key is below for reference. Be sure to drop some comments as you read. Enjoy!

Piarari Key
Vasia (vah-sia): snowflake

Siotas (see-oh-tass): dewdrop


I walked through the castle the next day. My phone was resting between my ear and my shoulder as I carried on a conversation with Cyris while performing my duties as Queen. I was supposed to be preparing for the royal celebration of the Day of the Water Spirits festival. So I'd stop every once in a while to check in with the castle staff and sign off on paperwork. The staff all smiled when they saw me, and they smiled even wider when they realized that I was talking to Cyris on my cell. They all seemed to enjoy seeing the love between my soulmate and I.

"How are you, my love?" I asked Cyris. "I hope my brother isn't giving you a hard time."

"I'm doing well, baby," he told me. "How are you feeling? And your brother is awesome to be around!" I could hear the joy in his voice and I was so happy that he was getting along with Kian. "Although, he does have his moments. Not with me, of course! But with his guards."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Kian is a good man, short tempered at times, but a good man. He'll be a great King, I'm sure." I stopped and examined some decorations that were laying on a cart in the hallway. They were going to be put up in the ballroom and gardens soon. "I've been alright. It's busy here in Espor with preparations for the Day of the Water Spirits. It's kept me occupied, but I'm well. Will you be home in time for the celebration, love?" At this point, the celebration was only two weeks away, but I wasn't sure exactly how long Kian needed him to stay in Riofalt.

"Yes! I wouldn't miss it. And I miss my family," Cyris admitted. I heard some loud voices in the background. I recognized two of them as Ren and Kian. They sounded like they were arguing. "Your brother's...going to kill one of his guards! Can I call you back in five minutes?!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Kian's temper was clearly rearing its ugly head again. "Oh Gods! Put me on speaker, I'll talk to him." I heard a beep as Cyris did as I asked.

"Hold on, let me get his attention..." he told me. He whistled loudly and the arguing in the background stopped. "Rose is on the phone!" There was a loud chorus of "hello" directed towards me.

"Hello!" I greeted them before speaking to my brother directly, "Kian, what's going on? I heard shouting."

There was silence for a few moments and then I heard whispering and Cyris' laughter.

" dear brother... I asked you a question," I told my brother.

I heard shuffling and another beep as I was taken off speaker. Then I heard my brother's voice. "My dear sister! How are you? How is my niece or nephew doing?" he asked. "Nothing going on here, just a little spat. That's all."

"I'm fine, Kian. But brother, you insult me by not telling me the whole story. What happened?"

"It's nothing to concern yourself with! You already have a lot going on. I'm sorry I've stolen your husband. I'll send him home soon!" Kian vowed. He lowered his voice, assuming I couldn't hear him, but I did. "Shut up, you're wrapped around her finger too!"

Kian must have been speaking to Cyris.

"As long as he's home by the Day of the Water Spirits celebration, I'll be happy, Kian. How's Arissa?" I missed Arissa and Kian. I missed talking to them. I made a mental note to call Arissa at some point.

"She's wonderful, she's actually out with her handmaiden shopping for dinner," Kian answered.

"Can you pass me back to my husband?" I asked. "I expect you to be on your best behaviour Kian. Behaviour worthy of an Aster and the King of Riofalt."

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