Chapter One- Secrets Secrets to be Told

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The school day had been horrid and boring after one thing to another. First being yelled at by Madam Kogawa for flying with Everett, then having Garreth blow up a potion and it staining my robes and skin to the shade of green only trolls could make, to literally a puffskin that had been brought into the Great Hall jumping into my food.

I have only been here a month and if it wasn't crazy, hectic days, it was getting no sleep trying to figure out this ancient magic thing with Professor Fig. Sometimes, and especially on days like this, I wished I had never discovered I was magical and was just normal. It didn't matter though right now since I was going to be able to get some rest finally.

"Merlina! A fifth-year Slytherin is outside waiting for you. He says it's extremely important." One of the portraits sang loud for all of the common room to whisper and speculate. Damn, I forgot Sebastian asked me to meet him in the DATDA Tower. So much for going to bed early.

"Which Slytherin is it? I bet it's someone lame enough for even Poppy Sweeting to look interesting." I turned and there stood Lavina Fay, the only mean Hufflepuff in the entire house. How she was sorted in here instead of Slytherin with the rest of her friends was a shock to me. She stood in her nightgown with her arms crossed and honey blonde hair placed up in a high bun. Even her hazel eyes had the look of spite and evil in them.

"I'm not sure who Poppy is but if you think she's lame, she's probably the best person ever. Now if you excuse me, I have plans." Before Lavina could speak another word, I quickly threw back on my uniform and ran out of the common room.

There Sebastian stood, leaning against the wall across from the door. His smirk was coy and his posture relaxed. If anything was a good sign that he wasn't upset, it was that. Running one of his tanned hands through his chocolate brown hair, he made his way over to me.

"Hello love. It's been a while since I last saw you. I-"

"Before you say anything, I just wanted to thank you for taking the fall at the library. I hope detention wasn't too harsh on you." He laughed and started walking down the hall, signaling me to follow beside him.

"I didn't even serve it. I have a way of making Professor Weasley feel bad since the whole thing with Anne. All I got was a smack on the hand. I was wondering if you found what you were looking for though." I sighed and shook my head no, remembering the book and it's missing pages.  Yes, I did recover them last night but the entire thing was just exhausting.

"I suppose I sort of did but here in public is not the best place to speak of it. You never know who's listening." I pointed at the portraits trying to act casual but who everyone knew reported to Headmaster Black. We both erupted in laughter at their failure with out laughs making the halls echo.

"I have a place we can go that not even the professors know exist. Come on." He grabbed my hand and we ran all the way from the Hufflepuff corridor to the DATDA Tower, somehow avoiding Moon, the prefects, and even ghosts that wandered around. The tile beneath our feet clicked with every footstep we ran until we stopped by an odd looking cabinet by a set of stairs.

"Is that a vanishing cabinet of sorts?" I asked Sebastian, confused at the intricate designs of clocks and astrology.

"No. This is what we call the Undercroft. Just wave your wand and it will let you enter." I did as he instructed and the dials on the designs moved until they clicked. I spun around, asking Sebastian if I enter without words and he nodded. Every nerve in my body was telling me to run the opposite direction but I just couldn't.

Entering the Undercroft, it was dusty with random bits of furniture and boxes inside. Once Sebastian entered, we sat in the middle on the floor about everything. He even taught me a new spell I had never learned before- a spell called confringo that teachers stopped teaching. Once I learned the spell, Sebastian and I spoke of everything from Jackdaws Tomb the to truth of the Ancient Magic.

"How did you even discover this place Sebastian?"

"It's a secret that only descendants of Salazar Slytherin knew. Do you know Ominis Gaunt?"

"I believe I have pretty much every single class with him except Beasts and Astronomy. He's the one with the wand that sends off a red glow, correct?" Sebastian nodded his head in confirmation to my question. I had seen him from time to time but never really spoke to him.

"Well he learned of this place from his family. He doesn't like a lot of people though and would especially be upset if someone he doesn't know or trust was here so please don't tell him I brought you here. Now that I already taught you the spell, we should probably head to bed. You go in ahead so I can put these lights out."

As much as I cared about Sebastian, that was probably the best thing he could have told me tonight. I was beyond exhausted and the mere thought of having to utter another word annoyed me. As I exited the Undercroft though, I ran into a pale body that had the faint scent of honey and scented cypress. Whatever cologne he was wearing was strong but sweet- the perfect combination. I stepped back to apologize but in front of me was Ominis Gaunt. Of course that's my luck. His light brown,almost blonde hair, had been slicked back and his cheek bones were not afraid to come out, looking sharp enough to cut a finger.

"You're not Sebastian. You're too short and don't smell as weird. Who's there?" His voice was surprisingly deep and firm.

"Oh, it's Ominis isn't it? I believe we have Potions and-"

"I know that voice- you're the new fifth year. Did you just come out of the Undercroft? How did you get in there?"

"I stumbled across it. You called it the Undercroft?"

"Do not lie to me. Nobody stumbles across that room. I know Sebastian told you," With every step he took, I took a step back until my back was pressed against the stone wall and his face hovering over mine. I never realized how short I was until standing right here, looking up at him with his hand next to my head. "If you even utter a word about this place to anyone, I will make you regret it. My father is friends with the headmaster and I will exploit that connection if I need to. Do you understand me loud and clear?"

"There is no need to make threats because frankly, I could care less about your connections. Sebastian is a good friend and you need to put more faith in him." Before he could dare utter another word, I stormed off and didn't bother to look back.

Ominis Gaunt... who does he think he is?

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