Chapter Twenty-Three- Silent Knight

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These last few days have been what I wanted in the entire school year- to feel normal. Somehow, Sebastian and I silently agreed to move on from what I'm labeling as 'the accident' and continue on as if it hadn't happened before. Just earlier in the day, I had one of my first snowball fights with Ominis, Sebastian, and Garreth who was here serving detentions he missed.

At this moment, I was sitting in a leather chair listening to the charmed instruments play music, and sipping on tea. Ominis and Sebastian were off doing a mission of some type which meant I finally had the chance to complete my mission to see if Cressida was set up or is the student that is after me. She sat opposite of me, reading books as per usual and so far, nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Ms. Woods? A moment of your time please?" I turned my head and there stood Professor Weasley with her nose up in the air. I choked on my tea and if Professor Weasley didn't give away the fact I was watching Cressida, the tea sure did. She was looking at both of us, confused.

"Uh- yes! Yes of course Professor Weasley!" I shouted, immediately cleaning myself up as best as I could. I flashed a small smile at Cressida, receiving one back before going back to her books. I got up and walked away with Professor Weasley until we got to a hallway where no students were at.

"Merlina! Look what I managed to do to get out of detention!" Professor Weasley shouted in excitement, completely changing her composure and even bending her arms as if she was presenting an outfit. My confusion must have showed because she erupted in laughter and belched loud enough to echo the entire castle. "It's me, Garreth! Professor Sharp made a bet with me I couldn't do a polyjuice potion yet here I am!"

"Garreth! Have you even thought what would happen if your aunt saw you? You're ridiculous!" I scolded like a mother, smacking him against the arm.

"That's not why I got you though Merlina! Ominis and Sebastian are in danger. They were looking in the Forbidden Forest for a unicorn for you and got captured by poachers!" Before I could even question how Garreth knew or why they were looking for a unicorn, I ran past him to get outside. Although a snow storm was clearly brewing, I couldn't just leave them there or risk being too late. I gripped the wooden handle of the broom tightly and began to fly towards the forbidden forest.

Snow flakes stuck to my hair and clothes as I flew around, trying to avoid the spiders and trolls. It wasn't long before I could hear Sebastian's and Ominis' voices arguing like a married couple. I landed as close to the camp as I could, turning myself invisible to get the layout of the camp. Both Sebastian and Ominis were tied up next to the golden unicorn caged up and bloody.

"Now you can either deal with Rookwood or deal with us. Where did you send that ginger fella eh?" One of the poachers asked aggressively, getting in Ominis' face.

"Yes... I'll pass on either of those options." Ominis ignored the question, turning his head not to face the poacher. "Someone worse than us is coming and you'll be sorry when she does."

As if that was my cue, I threw four cabbages in the opposite direction of them. Taking the bait, all five of the poachers walked over to the cabbages and started getting attacked. As quickly as I could, I ran over to both of the guys and started untying them.

"Garreth? Did you get Merlina?" Sebastian asked, watching the ropes around Ominis' ankles fall. The invisibility potion wore off and they could see me. Sebastian smiled and started to rush me to take his ropes off too.

"Eh! Isn't that the girl Rookwood is looking for?!" Two poachers were left standing with wands at the ready. Before I could even stand to continue to fight, Ominis ran into battle and started casting spells back to back, left to right. I had no idea how great of a caster he was until watching him. I couldn't help but feel amazed at him hitting every single target.

I finally managed to untie Sebastian as Ominis was finishing the battle. Freeing the unicorn, I shoved in the napsack and it was completely safe. I spun around and both boys were standing side by side, making awkward poses.

"You two could have been killed if Garreth didn't have that polyjuice potion on hand! Have you both completely gone mad?!" I shouted.

"Alright mother we get it. Did you like the unicorn though? That's your Christmas gift from Ominis and I both." Sebastian informed. Despite it being winter break, I had totally forgot that Christmas was tomorrow.

"Yes... yes I did. Now let's go back to Hogwarts. It's bloody freezing out here."


Sebastian, Ominis, I decided to do our own Christmas in the undercroft. We had grabbed blankets and pillows from whoever had not stayed for the break and claimed a corner for the sleeping spot. Somehow, Sebastian managed to get a tiny tree inside while I bought ornaments for us to hang up.

"You know... it's actually a shame Anne can't be here and enjoy this. She would have loved it." Sebastian informed quietly, saddened.

"Do not worry Sebastian. You'll find a way to make her better. I'm sure of it." I assured, hugging him from the side and resting my head on his shoulder. Ominis joined, patting his back softly. Although he tried his best to hide it, tears silently fell down Sebastian's face. "Don't worry Sebastian. If anyone is going to find a way to heal her, it's going to be you."

Sebastian wiped away his tears and flashed a fake smile, pretending he was alright and suggested we finish the tree so we could place the presents for one another underneath it. Although we did and immediately went to sleep after, I could hear Sebastian cry throughout the night.

In the morning, we each opened up our two presents. Ominis had gotten me a black wand handle with beautiful silver leaf and vine designs on it that I had clipped onto my wand immediately. Sebastian, on the other hand, got me a cute black dragon plush for me to keep on the bed at all times.

We spent the rest of the day playing in the snow and even snuck around Hogwarts after hours. Even Professor Fig gave me a new dress as a gift for everything we had been doing. Dare I say it was one of the best Christmases I had in a while.

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