Chapter Sevnty-One- Fine and Dine (Sebastian POV)

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This is a SMUT chapter so run away if you don't want people around you being nosey!

"Hello love." I smiled while looking down on Merlina. Something about her has changed since I last saw her and I could already tell, only seeing her for a few moments. Like nothing was holding her back from true risk. Once she realized it was I and not a random creep, she wrapped her hands around my neck and yanked me down to the floor with her. Damn Hufflepuffs and their love.

"Sebastian you're here! You're safe!" She announced, hugging me to the point it could be considered choking.

"But the scotch eggs are not unless you let me go."

She immediately understood, letting go of me. We both stood and as I checked on the eggs, she wrapped her arms around me once more from behind. I now understood why girls love it when you do this to them. I almost felt frozen in fear that she would let go until it became a reality. She didn't go far though. She took off her flats and coat before making her way back to me, sitting on the counter by my side.

This was how I always imagined our future after Hogwarts. We would both be aurors but on the days we didn't do missions, we would spend them like this. I would cook for her while she wore one of my button downs and we would talk before making our way into a living room surrounded by books and spending the afternoon reading. That was the life I wanted and only with her.

"So how was the mission with Sharp? What all did you do? What was it about? Was it looking for the missing shirt because I'm afraid the thief has yours too?" She joked, shoving her finger into my shoulder blade.

"Ha ha! Very funny. It was hot earlier so I took it off. The mission with Sharp was definitely an interesting one. We went to Ireland to stop a dragon fighting ring. I didn't even think they existed but Sharp says they're quite common amongst poachers." I answered, glancing up at her and seeing life faded from her eyes for only a moment. She was too busy remembering a memory she had- no doubt with Poppy if it involved a dragon fighting ring. Once she snapped out of it, she smiled softly and scooted closer to me.

"Did you have fun?"

"Fuck yeah I did. I never realized truly how remarkable Professor Sharp was until this trip. Even with his limp, he was an artist the way he fought those poachers. Where's Ominis?"

Another cold glance came over her face. Fuck... they had another fight. No, it was something worse. If it was just as simple as a fight, she would be rolling her eyes and ranting but it looked like she didn't even want to talk about what had happened.

"I met Marvolo. He came to the house three weeks ago and took Ominis for their older brother's funeral. He also threatened my life if Ominis didn't go." Merlina explained softly. "Ominis did say one thing before you left though. He told me to tell you that your deal was off until school started. Whatever that means."

I stopped what I was doing for a moment and looked at her. That's what was different. She wasn't just a girl now like before- she was a woman. She finally had sex and it wasn't with me first. He was giving me permissions to act on my deepest desires should she want them and just looking at her made me want her to want them. I placed one of the giant scotch eggs on a plate for her which she happily accepted.

"You know, I've never seen you in a skirt besides with uniform and now the ball. What was the special occasion with this one?" I asked, pointing to the skirt before getting my own food.

She began to start telling me about Edward taking her to a tea shop in London and about how someone was leading a charge against this mentality the Sacred Twenty-Eight have. How he believed it was a staff member at Hogwarts, keeping a sharp eye on the students. I was able to stay serious until she said he suspected Headmaster Black. I couldn't help but start to laugh hard.

"I know! That's what I said too but he seems to be adamant it's him." Merlina responded to my laughter with even more laughter.

"Alright, let's say it is Headmaster Black. What's the plan for him then?" I asked, taking a final bite of my scotch egg and she just shrugged.

"Edward said just to keep an eye on who Morgana looks at and talks to."

Edward Avery... talk about the least helpful planner. I suppose he was useful enough to tell Merlina all of this and to save her life. Still, I couldn't help but not trust him as much as Merlina does. Maybe she just finds Slytherin men calming and trustworthy even though she really shouldn't.

"Your hair grew a bit while you were helping Sharp." She commented, taking both of our plates and walking over to the sink. I already knew since the last month, I've had to start pulling it back and putting it in a little ponytail. Choosing not to give a full response, I just chuckled slightly and followed her to the sink, resting my chin on her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her.

It's been so long since I last felt her touch. I missed it. Professor Sharp would give me crap for missing her but I couldn't help myself. It was like a sugar craving that's now been satisfied. Once the sink turned off, we stayed the way we were in silence. It would appear she also missed my touch. After a few minutes, she finally turned around to face me directly.

"You're probably tired. Did you already set up your luggage bag in the room?" She asked, not looking me in the eyes. Did she feel guilty all of a sudden for something? Or perhaps embarrassed?

"No... I left the bag in the living room. I thought Ominis was using that room so I figured I'd use the couches in the living room." I answered softly, never taking my eyes off of her.

She finally glanced up at me and for a single moment, I saw desire cross her eyes. Merlina took a deep breath in before breaking out of my embrace and trying to run off but I caught her in time- grabbing her wrist and pulling her in once more. We waited a moment to see who would make the first move and then attacked one another at the same time.

Lips of a flower's nectar, I was drawn into them like a fly to a web. I picked her up and carried her towards the living room and sat both of us down with her taking off her blouse while my fingers made their way up her skirt until I found the warm center. I could see the mixture of glances of confusion and nervousness cross her face. Of course Ominis didn't properly treat her.

"This should feel good. If it doesn't, I'll stop it immediately. Lean back and trust me." I insisted. Although clearly hesitant, she did as I commanded and let me crawl above her. She's still new to this which means I need to treat her gentle.

I began placing kisses all over her neck before shoving one finger inside of her. She gasped, gripping at my shoulder while it went in and out of her slowly. I could already feel liquids coming down onto my finger. As much as I wanted to pounce on her- she also needed princess treatment. Anyone could agree if they heard the little whimpers of pleasure escaping her lips. A second finger made it's way and picked up it's pace in her. She was clearly enjoying it- like I knew she would.

"Sebastian..." She moaned out quietly. Music to my ears. I removed my lips from her neck and lowered myself and slithered my way into her skirt and placed my tongue directly down on her clit. Luckily the skirt was covering my face or else she would have just yanked a wad full of hair. It didn't take much to feel her release all over my tongue. Sitting up, I used the edge of her skirt to wipe off my face when I saw her face all red and curled into a ball.

"Do you... do you want me to do that to you?" She asked quietly.

"Perhaps another time. I wanted to just treat you. Let's go to bed though, yeah?" I asked with a smile on my face, holding out my hand for her to grab.

She did and led me straight to her bedroom where she fell asleep before I did. How odd. Usually it's the other way around. I couldn't help but look upon her sleeping face and smile. I was finally back, holding the love of my life. What a shame it'll be ruined once we get back to school.

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