Chapter Fifteen- Secret Rooms

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I entered into the Great Room for lunch with each of the tables fully decorated with students of all ages shoving their faces with various foods. I was supposed to meet Poppy to eat when from the corner, I could hear bickering of some sort.

"Anything to do with the dark arts should be avoided Sebastian. It's too risky." Sebastian? And was that Ominis' voice? Pressing my back against the wall, I peeked around the corner to see Ominis and Sebastian on the stairs arguing.

"Correction- anything to do with Salazar Slytherin is worth the risk. Something in there could save Anne and-"

"I can't agree and I will not say another word on the matter Sebastian. I'm sorry." With that, Ominis began to walk away and towards the Slytherin dining table, leaving Sebastian to repeat the words "damnit" while pacing back and forth.

"Sebastian?" He jumped high and gripped his chest. When he saw me, his nerves went down and a small smile appeared upon his face.

"Hello love. You startled me there."

"What were you and Ominis discussing just now?"

He chuckled as he made his way toward the middle of the stone stairs to sit. I followed him up and sat next to his feet, hoping he would actually tell me what kind of conversation involves the dark arts.

"I shouldn't be surprised you heard all that. He's being ridiculous. Apparently, Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here in the castle." Sebastian explained as if dropping that information was basic knowledge. I couldn't help my surprised look to which he continued talking. "Ominis swears it was used for the dark arts so he wants nothing to do with it. I reminded him this could help Anne but he wants no part in it."

"And you're surprised he wants nothing to do with it? Sebastian, I'm sorry but Ominis is right. Meddling with the Dark Arts is dangerous!" I scolded as quiet as I could. I didn't know much about the wizarding world but I did know that just speaking about the arts could probably get us arrested and put in Azkaban. With already seeing that place, I do not intend on living there.

"There is more to dark magic than people realize. The Guants know this more than anyone else... Perhaps I've spoken out of turn. Ominis' family history is really personal to him."

"You don't have to tell me Sebastian but please- do not do anything stupid to land yourself I'm Azkaban. It's a terrible place to go."

"Yes yes, I know. Watch for my owl- I'll let you know if he changes his mind." With that, Sebastian got up and left to go somewhere. I got up and walked directly towards Ominis. Like per usual, he sat alone and away from the other judging pure blood Slytherins, placing food on his plate.

"Ominis, I need to take you somewhere. Some place only three other people have ever been before." Like a dog, his ears perked up. If he wasn't Salazar Slytherin's heir, he would have definitely been in Gryffindor for his sense of adventure. He spun around with a wide, goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Are you telling me you have a secret place of your own Merlina? Well now I must see this." With that, he got up and we went directly to the Room of Requirement.

"So... where is this magical place Merlina?" Ominis asked. As if to answer to his question, the door began to form. Black wooden arches began to grow and grow until there was quite a complete door.

"Come with me." I demanded, grabbing his hand before he could even run off. A slight push and the botanical wooden themed room with white curtains hanging from the ceiling appeared before us. The light above us shined like the sun on a warm summer afternoon.

Various pieces of white and brown wooden furniture decorated the room along with various paintings and mirrors. Even outside the vivariums, you could hear the beasts call out or speak to one another. I glanced over at Ominis and although was unable to see it's true beauty, grinned from ear to ear while glancing around.

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