Chapter Thirty-Seven- Goodbye Year Five

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The last dinner of the year to tally the house points was apparently one of the best dinners you could have throughout the year. At least, that's what Poppy and Natty have been telling me. With Ominis now purposely avoiding me out of spite, I have been spending a lot more time with Poppy.

Despite everything that happened throughout the school year, I somehow managed to get the highest score on my OWLS out of the entire school, scoring an O on every single test. Professor Weasley has already been trying to force me to sign up for all these career group trainings to do over break but I denied every offer. I wanted this summer, despite it going to be spent with Sebastian, to be as relaxing as possible.

Still, my heart sank every time I saw Ominis. Our last fight was one that would be for the ages and anytime I've tried to get close to apologize, he will walk away. Damn his heightened senses. Sebastian says not to stress over it but he was the one I cared for deeply. How was I not supposed to stress it?

Each of my friends walked past me, entering into the Great Hall. Garreth, Natty, Amit, and even Imelda. By the time I had opened the two doors to let me in, the smells of all the foods mixed together and floated into my nose, making my stomach rumble. Headmaster Black was already giving his speech by the time I finally entered so I stood in the back, not to distract anyone or anything.

"This year we have seen the students exemplify the bravery of Godric Gryffindor, the loyalty of Helga Hufflepuff, the wisdom of Rowena Ravenclaw, and the ambition of Salazar Slytherin. And so the winner of the house cup is-"

Professor Weasley interrupted Headmaster Black, fake coughing and standing next to him half way through his speech.

"Excuse me Headmaster, if I may?" He nodded, giving her permission to take the speech to say whatever final words she had. "One student's heroism saved our school on the attack of Ranrok, not to mention they seemed to have excelled in every coursework, earning the top spot in their OWLs."

Everyone turned their heads to me, whispering and smiling. I didn't think she was going to throw me under a bridge but now I really felt like hiding under said bridge.

"Well it would seem that she's earned, I'd say, 100 points to Hufflepuff? Wouldn't you agree, Headmaster?" Professor Weasley asked, turning her head to Headmaster Black as if demanding rather than requesting.

"Ah- yes. Thank you Professor Weasley. It would appear that Ravenclaw is no longer this years house winners- but rather Hufflepuff is now."

The decorations around changed, honoring Hufflepuff from the banners to even the colors on every tablecloth turning black and yellow. Poppy, along with a few other Hufflepuffs, including Lavina, ran over to me and started to bounce around excited for the victory. Fireworks above us blew up yellow lights, signifying even further who won.

"Let's go eat!" Poppy shouted, dragging me to the table to eat. Turkey legs, tankards filled with butterbeer, and an arrangement of sweets laid out in front of me, ready for the grabbing.

The next day though was the first time I would ride a train that would lead us back to London. Poppy took Highwing to fly back to her grandmother's home and although I could have taken my Graphorn, I decided to leave him, and the rest of the beasts inside the Room of Requirement in Deek's care.

I'm not sure how I managed it but I had an entire room to myself. I sat in the leather seats, watching various trees pass by at the speed of light. The sun hung up in the air with no clouds blocking it, looking like a giant gold coin ready to be grabbed. My attention was only taken when I heard the door slide open. In it was Ominis in regular clothes- a white high stiffed collared shirt and straight black pants that barely ended at the ankles, showing his grey socks and black loafers.

"Merlina? Are you in here?"

"Yes Ominis, I'm right here." He slid the door shut and found the lock, locking us both in the room as if the doors weren't see-through. He hadn't even put down the curtains to give us privacy. Taking the seat across from me, he crossed his legs and leaned back. "Listen Ominis, I-"

"I'm going to be with my family all summer so please don't write me letters or try to contact me at all." He interrupted, never taking his eyes off the views the window could give. He didn't even let me try to apologize or at least explain myself. He just sat there, expecting me to agree to his terms of abandonment.

"If you're doing this as a way to end our courtship, just end it. You have been avoiding me and now want to talk to me just to tell me you don't want me to contact you? Ominis, your jealousy-"

"This isn't jealousy Merlina. And very well- this is the end of our courting. Goodbye." He stood up, unlocked the door, and left me completely shocked and saddened. Everything we had experienced... the words of him telling me he loves me... Was it not real for him?

I brought my knees closer to my face, covering it to the best of my ability. I wasn't going to allow myself to cry any longer. Professor Fig was right about Ominis and I chose to ignore it. All because of one little fight about Sebastian. I understood his perspective but why couldn't he understand mine?

The rest of the ride back home was filled with silent tears and empty views. Occasionally the stray cow would appear in a grass field but nothing else really grabbed my attention. I changed into my coat, blouse, and skirt. An outfit I hadn't worn since before coming to Hogwarts, on the day of the dragon attack. The day I discovered ancient magic.

A knock came from the outside of the door as I finished putting on my belt, unlocking the door and signaling the okay to enter. Sebastian opened it, standing and wearing only a button down sweater and pants. He admired me, never taking his eyes off of me and just muttering a wow.

"Can I help you Sebastian?" I asked, trying to sound like my usual self.

"Oh yes! I had just received word we'll be arriving soon and wondering how long it took to the house. If it takes a while and we do not have a carriage, we should probably find a hotel room and-"

"The ministry gave me permission to use magic outside of school so I was just planning on apparating us there. Is that all?"

"I suppose so. I did bring my luggage bag though and was hoping I could hide in here with you. I know they have gendered carts and we're supposed to stay with our houses but that damn Avery is being overly annoying. He keeps asking questions about you and Ominis."

I hadn't even given him the okay before he entered the room and placed his luggage bag next to mine. He started to make himself comfortable, taking the seat across from mine and placing his feet on the end of his seat, his back pressed against the window. I didn't see a point in arguing so I took the seat I sat in before, just looking out the window.

"What's the muggle world like? Ominis used to tell me their carriages are pulled by sheep that can talk but that's not right, huh?" I looked at Sebastian, as if asking if he was serious, making a chuckle escape my lips when I realized he was. Ominis was such a jester, tricking Sebastian to believe that.

"No. Typically they're pulled by horses. One time, when I was young though, I saw one being pulled by a cow. It was the craziest thing I had ever seen. My mother and I laughed about it for weeks." I answered, flashing back to a time when my mother was still alive.

"Your mother... she sounded lovely. Ominis told me what happened to her... I'm sorry. I know she would have been proud of you if she saw everything you've accomplished this year. I mean, you even got higher scores than Amit."

"Thank you Sebastian. We'll be pulling into London soon so you may want to say your farewells."

He nodded his head and understood what I was trying to hint at, getting up and heading back to the Slytherin cart quickly. Knowing him, he would probably spend the rest of the ride saying goodbye to various women

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