Chaprter Forty-Three- Hello Hogwarts

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I'm not sure how Sebastian and I managed to almost miss the train considering we apparated here but we barely got on just in time. With the new version of himself apparently being a gentleman, he refused to let me carry my own luggage bag until we reached the compartment with Poppy Sweeting inside of it. You could see her sitting alone, looking down, and fidgeting with her fingers as if nervously waiting for us.

I slid the door open, catching her attention and earning her wide smile. Her hair had definitely grown at least an inch or two and bounced every step she took to run to me and hug me ever so tightly.

"I was worried you two weren't going to make it! Now hurry and get in here Sebastian before people start noticing a Slytherin sitting with Hufflepuffs." Poppy demanded, pulling us both in. Sebastian began placing the bags above us while I sat across from my best friend.

"Have you... have you heard the news about Ominis?" She asked me but looking to Sebastian, as if silently asking him if it was a topic that was safe to bring up. Even not directly looking at him, I could see his body shifted at the question. Whether he told her it was safe or not... well that's a whole new topic.

"Yes, I've heard about him and Morgana. He sent me a letter saying he was going to tell me all the details of the matter the next time we were around one another." I informed. She nodded her head with a comforting smile.

The train began to take off to Hogwarts with cheers and screams of goodbyes from guardians sending it off. It started slow and picked up until we were out of the tunnel and in the world full of mountains. With this being a new experience for all three of us, we couldn't take our eyes off the window and the immaculate views before us. Once we had realized it was the same views no matter how long we looked, we turned our attention back to one another.

"Did you hear Lavina is being sent to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic? Apparently, her mother became headmistress there." Poppy announced, already reaching in her bag for any snacks her grandmother had packed for her. Leave it to the Hufflepuff to come prepared with food.

"Good riddance. Now we only have the Avery siblings to deal with." Sebastian commented, draping his arm on the seat behind me. Even with my letters informing Poppy of mine and Sebastian's actions during the summer, I could still see the subtle look of surprise cross her face.

"Surely they can't be that bad?" I questioned both Poppy and Sebastian. Edward seemed at the most like a cocky snob and Morgana a spoiled girl who thinks calling me a freak is worse than any actual spell. They were no threat.

"Let's just say if Albion Lockhart and Edward are in the same hall, take the long way to class." They both must forget I don't know names because when I asked who, they both turned to me shocked.

Before they could answer my question though, the door to the compartment interrupted. Instinctively, I stood up with my wand in my hand, ready until a face all to familiar appeared along with the scent of honey and scented cypress. He sniffed the air like a dog before a small smile, and then a serious face took over.

"Sebastian, I've been looking for you. What are you doing in the Hufflepuff female compartment? You're a Slytherin for crying out loud. Anyways, I was hoping to speak to Merlina... alone if it's alright?" Ominis requested. Both Poppy and Sebastian turned to me, looks asking if I wanted to be left alone to which I nodded my head once.

"Very well... we'll see if the Honeydukes cart is already coming down. I know what Merlina wants... Ominis? Do you care for anything?" Poppy asked in a kind voice. He muttered a no but still thanked her before her and Sebastian had even gotten up. Poppy had to practically drag Sebastian by the back of his sweater out of the compartment before Ominis could fully close the door. He locked it and pulled the curtains down before running toward me and embracing me the tightest he ever had.

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