Chapter Eighty-Eight- Duel Me

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"Everyone settle down please!" Professor Hecat called out.

Every seventh year, no matter what house, was standing in the Great Hall. All the tables had been moved but in the middle was one long wooden one. Professor Hecat, Professor Chang, Professor Sharp, and Professor Weasley stood tall and tried to get all the students attention.

"Shut it!" Poppy shouted loud enough to quiet every single student.

"Thank you Ms. Sweeting... ten points to Hufflepuff." Professor Hecat quickly added. "Now, we are requiring every student to take this duel after class curriculum. The staff can protect you while in Hogwarts but in the real world, you are on your own. We will test how you battle and give you criticism where it's needed."

"Do we have any volunteers to start us off?" Professor Chang asked.

In the front row on the opposite side of the table, both Morgana and Imelda shot their hands up. Even between Professor Sharp's legs, I could see her taunting face smirking.

"We do professor! We would like to go up against Merlina and Poppy though." Morgana shouted, never taking her eyes off of me.

"Oh... I don't know..."

"We'll do it! Right Merlina?" Poppy quickly accepted, ignoring Professor Weasley's worries.

"Damn right we'll do it." I muttered only loud enough for Poppy to hear.

Poppy and I climbed up onto the table with Morgana and Imelda following our lead. Even with the glance only lasting 1.5 seconds, Professor Sharp was worried. Whether the worry was on my behalf or Morgana's was yet to be known.

"Hufflepuff VS Slytherin? Talk about an easy battle." Morgana scoffed with the Slytherin house laughing after her.

"Quit the smart talk Ms. Avery! Alright you four, a clean battle! If anyone pulls any dirty tricks, you will be in detention for the rest of the year." Professor Sharp snapped.

We each agreed and shook our heads before the teachers got off the table. The second the fireworks show up from Professor Changs wand, allowing us to start the match, Poppy released her Scottish Cabbages she had invented last year. The large pink and purple balls darted at the speed of light with my spell of bombarda following closely behind. Morgana and Imelda were frozen. A blood hound could sniff the fear radiating off of both of them.

"Confringo!" Imelda shouted, directing the spell to Poppy.

She dodged it with ease, proving just as how weak Imelda's aim truly was. She may be good on a broom but her dueling was shit. The cabbages finally reached Morgana and Imelda, biting their legs. As soon as they were able to wiggle them off, they both stood up again with fury in their eyes.

"You want to play rough? Fine... we'll play it your way squib. Diffindo!" Morgana shouted, only seeing red.

I did what any good friend would do and pushed Poppy to the ground. The strike of wind blew right above our heads, signaling it barely missed us. I casted aguamenti, a flood of water spewing from my wand and directly to their feet, powerful enough to knock them both back down. Our fight continued for ten more minutes with the last spell more powerful than before. I was finally done with everything and just wanted this duel over with.


From the tip of my wand, a flock of birds were conjured and flying directly to both Imelda and Morgana. Both girls squealed like pigs and the birds cawed, backing them up until one Morgana Avery fell off the table.

"Ms. Avery!" Professor Weasley shouted, running to her with Professor Chang following close behind.

Morgana answered with a cry of agony, groaning foul language mixing with my name. I glanced over to Sebastian, who was already running closer to Morgana to see what had happened. The corridor was filled with whispers as if I had done something terrible. As if I had done an unforgivable curse on her. The whispers ceased though when Professor Hecat cackled like all the witch stereotypes told in stories to children.

"That was some great dueling Ms. Wood! You never cease to surprise me!" She cackled with Professor Sharp smirking by her side.

"Great dueling?! She broke Ms. Avery's arm!" Professor Chang argued.

"Arms can be healed Professor Chang. Calm yourself and if you're so worried for her, take her to the Hospital Wing yourself. Twenty points to Hufflepuff for winning."

Professor Chang looked like she wanted to argue but Professor Weasley shot her a look that shut her up. Together, they left with Morgana, Imelda and...

"Why is Sebastian going with them?" Poppy whispered as we hopped off the table.

"I'm... I'm not sure. Perhaps just to try and be kind?" I responded, equally curious. He's not one of those people that just likes to be kind. As he told me the day we snuck into the restricted section; he liked having friends in his debt.

Together, Poppy and I watched the rest of the duels but none as equally exciting as ours. Garreth and Ominis even fueled against one another which I'm sure would have been a duel for the century if Garreth hadn't lost two minutes into the duel. Halfway through, Imelda returned with the professors but without Morgana or Sebastian. He must have stayed behind in the Hospital Wing with Morgana.

"Ominis... why did Sebastian go with Morgana?" I asked, keeping my voice low to make sure no one could hear.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps to keep an eye to make sure she wouldn't sneak out or get visitors?" He responded in the same volume.

There's no way that could be the answer. Perhaps I could find out on my own. Edward or Imelda would have taken the opportunity to be an overnight guest if she could actually have them and yet, Sebastian was the one missing.

"Cover for me, will you?"

I didn't wait for Ominis' response before casting the disillusionment charm on myself. With Natty and Lucan battling Amit and another Ravenclaw, all eyes were on them. It wasn't too difficult to sneak out and rush straight to the Hospital Wing where I could see Morgana and Sebastian together. Her arm was in a sling and he sat on the edge of the bed, allowing her to cuddle into his chest with one arm wrapped around her.

Why would he be cuddling like that with her? Feelings of rage mixed with betrayal. A pain as sharp as a dagger ran straight through my heart. I shouldn't be jealous considering we weren't even a couple but out of all the girls he could do this with, Morgana was the worst option.

"Why do you hang around that squib Sebastian? She's holding you back." She whispered in an attempting-seductive tone.

"I don't know. Because she's cute I guess." He responded. Yet another pain. I couldn't be hearing everything right. Perhaps this is all a trick.

"So... hypothetically, if she disappeared... what would you do?"

"I suppose I would just find the next cutest girl in school and latch myself onto her."

"Do you think I'm cute?" She asked, looking up at him who already had his eyes on her.

"Yeah... you're pretty cute. Why? You want me to latch myself onto you?" He answered with a smirk.

My eyes must be deceiving me. How could this be happening? One of my trusted allies is apparently falling for the enemy. My heart was shattering and I don't think I could pick up the pieces.

"I would love nothing more than for you to latch yourself onto me."

I couldn't watch anymore. I stormed out, halfway down the stairs changing out of the disillusionment charm. My head was pounding. The urge to rip off my skin was hitting. I hated this but... but if Sebastian was going for the enemy now, that meant I couldn't trust him anymore.

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