Chapter Twenty- Right From Wrong

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Charms class was a bore today until a folded piece of paper slid across the wooden table, being the only entertaining thing today besides watching Professor Weasley yell at Lavina for playing a round of Gobstones. I glanced over at the direction it came from and there was Sebastian on the other side of Poppy, mouthing for me to open it. Listening to his demands, I opened it.

I need you to meet me in the undercroft after class. Don't tell Ominis. It's top secret!

I nodded my head and folded the paper away, tucking it in the pocket of my robes. I glanced to Ominis, as clueless as he could be. Knowing Sebastian, this probably has something to do with the dark arts and that damned spell book.

"Ominis, I may need to push our study session for later. Do you mind meeting me in the room if requirement for dinner?" I whispered, trying my best not to make it look obvious we were talking.

"Of course. I'll grab us plates too... for a price. What did the note Sebastian gave you say?" Ominis asked in quite a serious whisper.

"He asked me not to tell you but he didn't say in the note. How did you know it was him?"

"He's a very loud mouther. I'm going to trust you on what you told me but if he tries anything-"

"I'll try to stop him. I promise Ominis."


The walk to the undercroft alone was quite odd. I felt like the entire time, someone was watching me but I knew I probably just felt nervous. I entered and there he hovered over a table with his robe off and his tie loosened, showing a little of his bronzed chest. His sleeves were rolled up and the palms of his hands rested on the wooden table, on either sides of the book.

"Is that the spell book? What have you found in it since the scriptorium?" I asked, peeking over his shoulder. He spun around and grinned, excited to share.

"It was difficult to interpret but ever so fascinating Merlina! He encouraged teaching dark magic at Hogwarts because no spells were unforgiving in his time. He believed students should have the knowledge of them in case something happened where they would need to use it. That's why we had to use crucio to gain access into the scriptorium. He didn't want his knowledge to be shared with anyone who was too afraid to use it." Sebastian explained, giddy with joy.

"I know we had to use it to gain access into the scriptorium but it's not something I'm too eager to repeat anytime soon."

"I hate that I had to use it on you but that's not all I found in the book. There are references of a lost relic that can reverse dark magic curses. We could save Anne with it! We need to keep this between us though. I'm not sure exactly how close you and Ominis are but I'm begging not to tell him this."

"Sebastian, we need to tell him. He's the reason we found this book and he deserves to know the knowledge of what his ancestor had." I tried to convince. I wasn't going to keep this from Ominis. I wasn't sure what we were either but something this big? He deserved to know.

"Love, you've seen how he reacts towards the dark arts. He just doesn't understand. I promise I'll tell him once I find the relic." Sebastian responded, not bothering to even understand how I feel on the situation. "And don't feel sorry for Ominis. Keeping this to ourselves will be for his own good."

"I think I can decide what's for my own good thank you very much." We both spun in the direction of the gate and there Ominis stood, furious.

"Ominis, we were about to get some air. Care to join?" Sebastian asked, rushing to fix his shirt and throw on his robe.

"You are a liar Sebastian! I heard everything! You swore to never engage in the dark arts and yet here you are, trying to drag Merlina into it. Do you not remember that you almost killed her last time?!" Ominis shouted, not caring whether people above us could hear or not.

"I never promised Ominis! Besides, this can save Anne! Merlina even understands that much!"

"You don't know when to stop, do you Sebastian?"

"I know when not to stop Ominis. Leave this be. If you don't care about Anne, fine. But I will never give up on her. See ya love." With that, Sebastian left but not without slamming his shoulder into Ominis'.

"I appreciate you telling Sebastian not to keep this from me Merlina but going after that relic is not a good idea. He doesn't even realize it but he's acting as reckless and irresponsible as his parents were years ago. It's why they died."

"Ominis, I understand your worry but you heard him. He's not going to stop."

"I've already lost Anne... I can't loose him too. Or you may I add. Please avoid anything to do with that spellbook. You're one of the only people who truly understand how I feel on this." I agreed with him and with that, we left to the room of requirement together.


Curfew had just hit but I was determined to find any clue of who it was that was helping Rookwood and Harlow. I only knew it was a female student but that didn't help me narrow my search by much. Whoever it was most likely gave that necklace to Peeves in the library.

The dimly lit library was empty- even of the librarian luckily unlike last time when I attempted to do this. Would Sebastian love to rub it in my face that he was right about her not usually being there? Of course but I'd never tell him the truth.

"Merlina? What are you doing here?" Speaking of the devil, there he was. Sebastian with his brown hair in a mess.

"Getting out of a make out session? Let me guess, with Lavina?" I avoided the question, smiling and pointing at his hair.

"Why love? Would that make you jealous?" He smirked, fixing his hair as best as he could. "For your information, I've been trying to stay awake since our last conversation and have been hiding in the-"

"Restricted section? Tsk tsk tsk Sebastian. So predictable. I'm trying to see if there is any proof of the student working with Harlow and Rookwood. If they are- that means they're also tied to Ranrok and we can finally get one step ahead. Plus, you know, the obvious of less enemies after me." I explained quietly.

"You know you're talking to a witness from that day right? Cressida was the one that gave him the necklace." I paused and turned around, giving him a look that said 'are you serious?'

"You knew the entire time?!" I shouted, not caring that we were supposed to be sneaking anymore. How could he not tell me? There was no way it could be Cressida though. She barely leaves the castle. Someone must have used her.

Sebastian slammed his hand over my mouth and moved us until my back hit the wall next to the fireplace. He stood above me, looking over in the aisles to see if anyone, or anything, would come in our direction. Even though his goal was to keep us quiet, I could hear his breathing over the firewood cackles.

The light from the fire made a side of his face glow orange and showed every wrinkle and cinch in his black robe. He finally turned his attention to me and when he realized just what he was doing, removed his hand and took a few steps back. Even though he tried his best to hide it, I could see a faint blush rush to his cheeks.

"Poppy wants you to ask her to be your girlfriend." I whispered but blurted out. His eyebrows furrowed and his lips pierced, as if in mass confusion why I would bring her up.

"Do you... do you want me to ask her?" He asked in a confused and deepened tone.

"I mean, it's not up to me. It's up to you Sebastian. If you find her attractive though, I believe you should."

"Very well... I shall ask her in the morning before Charms. Goodnight love."

He casted the disillusionment charm and left me alone. Now that I knew it was Lenora though, I didn't need to be here but I found that my feet couldn't move. I was frozen with my fingers being the only thing that could move, rubbing them along my lips.

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