Chapter Fifty-Nine- The Spider Slayer

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One whole month has passed with me avoiding everyone after Sebastian ignoring me. It took me a while to figure out that Sebastian leaving me was actually one of the better things to happen to me recently. I couldn't give him the attention he deserved anyway. Right now- I needed to focus on myself. On bettering myself. Professor Sharp has been a great help in that department. Poppy, Sebastian, and Ominis came to the first two classes that Professor Sharp was doing but one by one, they all stopped showing. I couldn't blame them. Sometimes Professor Sharp could be harsh or just unsympathetic in general.

"Okay Merlina. The Oculus potion does what now?"

"Restore eyesight and... Professor, could this work for Ominis?" I asked, looking up from the sparkling orange liquid to him from across the potions station. He looked at me in defeat, like he was sympathetic of Ominis.

"I'm sure his parents or anyone else that knows him has tried Merlina. They have connections all over the ministry." Professor Sharp responded quieter and softer than he usually speaks.

I softly grunted and nodded my head, looking down at the potion once more. I may feel like every day I lose myself a little more but I still cared for Ominis. I cared for all of my friends always will no matter what. As if reading my mind, Poppy and Garreth both came barging into the classroom and breathing heavy. I knew this was a bad sign because unless it's important- Poppy doesn't run.

"Imelda and... Morgana... dared them... to go to... Hogsmeade." Poppy explained through breaths. I knew 'them' meant Sebastian and Ominis but I didn't see why that was such a big dare. I glanced up at Professor Sharp who already was pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Let's go." Professor Sharp demanded, already grabbing his cane. What was the big deal about them going to Hogsmeade? We went out to the courtyard of Hogwarts where Professor Sharp demanded we ride Kristof to Hogsmeade where he would explain just what was wrong. Poppy and Garreth rode on his broom and took off immediately whereas Sharp and I rode Kistrof down the dirt roads.

"It's clear you haven't heard the news but a spider infestation has taken over Hogsmeade. Those two girls basically dared your friends to enter a danger zone." Professor Sharp finally explained as we ran at the speed of light.

Of course Imelda and Morgana dared them to do this. I don't talk to either of the boys for one month and suddenly they're off doing dumb shit. I sighed and shouted at Kristof to pick up the pace. Whatever dumb thing Sebastian and Ominis were about to do next- well I'd just hoped I make it there in time.

When we had arrived to the outskirts of Hogsmeade when Kristof arrived to a halt. He hated spiders. After Professor Sharp and I got off of him and I sealed him back into the jar, I could see Poppy, Ominis, and Garreth in the streets using various spells and plants to try and take down a group of spiders. Sebastian was not in sight.

"Perfect timing to test all the spells you've learned so far. Show me legilimency!" Professor Sharp demanded as we ran to join the battle.

"Trick question sir! You can only use it on human like minds including centaurs and mermaids." I answered while using spells to help rid of the spiders.

They would squeal in pain anytime confringo was used by Ominis and I. They would try and run from Poppy's cabbages. The battle continued with them pouring in until finally we were done and out of breath. The last spider squealed it's last high-pitched call before puffing into smoke while we took deep breaths. Still, Sebastian was nowhere to be seen.

The house next to us had a shed tucked into the corner and I could have sworn I saw a baby spider leg peek out before being tucked back in. Perhaps Sebastian could have seen the same as me. Just maybe he was dumb enough to go in there alone.

"There's... something... in the... shed." I pointed out.

"Merlina don't go in there. We've already done the Ministry's work and-"

"I think Sebastian is in there. I'm going in there and I'm going to find out."

"Not alone Merlina. I'm going in there with you." Poppy announced, getting up and gripping her wand already. I could try to argue with her but I knew by this point there would be no reason to. I nodded my head quickly and smiled slightly.

"Very well. You ladies go in while we make sure the town is all cleared out. Right gentlemen?" Professor Sharp more demanded than requested. Both Ominis and Garreth groaned but before we could even open the shed, a scream I knew all too well from last year let out into the air over by Pippin's shop.

"I think it came from over there." Garreth informed, pointing down the alley with egg sacks stuck to the side of the houses.

One day without Sebastian getting in even more danger was all I asked for. We all ran in that direction and blocking the street to get to the Hog's Head was a giant web with Sebastian stuck on it. I casted inferno on the web, releasing him and letting him drop to the ground while Poppy and Garreth took care of the egg sacs lying around. He ran and ran over to me, giving a look of silent thanks as if forgetting he wasn't speaking to me. Breaking the silence, the ground beneath us started vibrating. Bits of rocks and dust bounced up and down on the ground.

"What in Merlin's beard...?" Professor Sharp started until from the ground and almost attacking me was a giant acromantula.

"Alarte Ascendare!" I shouted, sending the spider up into the air and then casting depulso on it as well. I could hear Professor Sharp cheering me on for clearly paying attention to his after-school classes. The spider went flying into the river but that didn't stop at least twenty smaller spiders began to surround all 6 of us.

"I think we're surrounded."

"Really Sebastian? I'm blind and even I can-"

"This is the time you two. We have bigger issues." I scolded both Ominis and Sebastian.

"Don't worry- I got this!" Poppy shouted with a large smile. She was proud of what she had planned for our eight-legged friends.

In groups of twos, she released eight cabbage sets. These weren't the usual Chinese chomping cabbages that even I myself use. While normal ones tend to be orange and green, these ones were purple and pink. They were even larger than the ones we usually use. The spiders began screaming in agonizing pain, as if being set on fire, but they wouldn't stop our giant friend coming at us.

I took over the task of finishing the larger one while with the cabbages' help, everyone else took over the twenty still walking about. Finally, the battle drew to an end. One last fire hit from my wand ended it's life. Like before, everyone was breathing heavily but Sebastian who was glaring at Poppy and I.

"Why did you have to come? Ominis and I had it handled." Sebastian yelled at me.

Clearly he must have forgotten I saved him from a giant web. Before I could defend myself or just apologize, Professor Sharp used the side of his first and punched Sebastian directly in the nose. He stumbled a few steps back, more confused than upset at a teacher hitting him.

"Let me tell you something Mr. Sallow- your attitude towards Ms. Wood is anything but tasteful. She has been working so hard this last month to better her magic not because she wants to become a better wizard but because she cares about her friends. That includes you for a reason I cannot began to understand. You thank her for saving your ass and than me for not giving you and Mr. Gaunt detention for being out past curfew."

All of our jaws were on the ground. Hearing Professor Sharp say any of those words was quite a surprise but especially to Sebastian and not Garreth. Sebastian muttered a thanks to both of us before taking off back to the castle. I glanced at Professor Sharp and with a small smile and nod, I knew this man would forever have my back.

"Poppy, by the way... What the hell were those things you threw?" I asked, turning to her with a smile.

"Oh do you like them? I call them Scottish cabbages since they're hybrids of the Chinese chomping cabbages and the venomous tentaculas. I've been working on these while you've done work with Professor Sharp. I figure if you're bettering yourself for the wizarding community, I might as well also. This was actually the first time I've used them on real targets besides Garreth and I dare say they're the best thing to use in battle yet."

"Besides your wand?"

"Ominis... shut up and let Poppy have this." I said with a smile, side hugging her proudly.

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