Chapter One Hundred and Five- Puppeteer (Poppy POV)

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We watched Edward and Sebastian walk off with the screaming first years, demanding to take part in whatever battle may or may not commence. Merlina had run off too, getting ready to fight Morgana which meant one thing.

"Garreth," Professor Sharp called out. Despite it being directed only to Garreth, Ominis and I had also turned our heads to the conversation. "Are you sure you want to be here? If what the house elf claimed is true, you might not want to go in."

Nobody knows just how close Garreth and Professor Weasley truly are if they only see them interact at school. She's like a mother to him. Professor Weasley helped him with homework and taught him just how to use his wand. I could see the look of sadness cross his face again.

"Garreth, everyone will understand if you don't want to." I spoke, smiling softly and resting my hand on his back.

"No... I need to do this. I need to see with my own two eyes if it's true."

Garreth led the way, pushing the doors open without any signal and inside were every single student lined up. It didn't take a genius to see the purebloods stood behind Professor Weasley and the halfbloods lined up against the walls. Screaming could be heard from above us. Once we glanced upward, I almost wish we hadn't. All the muggleborns were trapped on the balcony, screaming in agony at whatever was happening to them. I could only imagine it wasn't pretty but it was too late to save them. Just as soon as the screaming started, it ended abruptly.

"Bloody hell..." Garreth muttered, shocked at what was in front of him.

I looked to where he was and acting as Professor Weasley's footstool was Headmaster Black's corpse along with Professors Garlick and Howin's. My two favorite teachers literally being walked all over instead of their bodies being respected. I tried to muffle my cries, covering my mouth at the horror in front of me. Even Imelda was standing by her side, smiling as if she was proud to be at the side of a killer.

"Hello Garreth! I see you brought two of your friends but where are Merlina and Sebastian?" Professor Weasley called out, taking steps down from the corpse pile.

"Dealing with your pest downstairs. Come with us quietly and we'll let the Minister know you've behaved Matilda!" Professor Sharp demanded, walking in front of all of us in a protective manner.

"You think your Minister will protect you? You said it yourself Aesop that he was completely mad. Granted, his madness was easily controlled but you just had to bring back Merlina and the others."

The truth had finally hit me. She really was pulling strings the entire time. Professor Weasley was the reason we took our NEWTs early because she didn't want us here since she knew we would fight against her. I just wish I had figured it out before those poor muggleborns died.

"Poppy! Look out!" Garreth shouted but before I could react to whatever he was warning me about, Ominis stood in front of me and casted protego against a green light coming out direction.

We were surrounded by poachers and ashwinders. She really had been working with all of them. There was no denying it now: Professor Weasley was the Puppeteer. I had lied to myself, hoping it was polyjuice or even someone casting the imperious curse on her to hide in the shadows but it was her doing all of these mad things. We always hear Slytherins being dark wizards but rarely Gryffindors.

"Aunt Matilda! Please stop all of this bloodshed! We are all equal and-"

"No Garreth! Those are your mother's words clouding your judgement! Purebloods should be the ones with power and control! I have had this plan for ten years now but Merlina Wood had to put the rush on results."

The doors to the side opened and in front stood the rest of the Professors. Onai, Ronen, Kogawa, and Shah. A dramatic entrance but one needed nonetheless. I was just happy to see the rest of the Professors were here. Edward rushed in from the doors we had entered from, already wand in hand.

"Get the students out of here! We'll take care of them!" Professor Sharp shouted at the teachers.

"We will?"

"Garreth! Not now!" I quietly scolded, getting my wand and plants at the ready.

A battle broke out unlike one I had ever witnessed before. Students rushed out the doors while we each took on enemies to protect them. My plants were all over the place, sending many of the poachers and ashwinders to their demise when a face I had seen one too many times in duels came.

"You're mine Sweeting!" Imelda shouted, charging at me to get close enough for a hit.

I had hoped by now Imelda would have seen the error of her ways but it would seem she would never learn. I threw a cabbage at her direction, meeting her halfway while chomping on her leg. While it was eating at her, the red string of light from bombarda went straight to her, sending both her and the cabbage flying back along with her screams of pain.

What started out as a battle with at least one hundred soldiers against us went down to fifty then ten. The last one standing against us was Professor Weasley green light and Professor Sharp's red light grinding against one another. Sparks of magic flew off the contact point but Professor Sharp was winning.

"You will never take all of us down! Someone else will just come along and take my place." Professor Weasley proclaimed like a prophecy.

"Since you read the future, you know how this will end then!" Professor Sharp shouted out.

"It will end with-!"

"Expelliarmus!" Professor Weasley's wand went flying out of her hand thanks to Garreth.

The teacher we once admired so well fell to the ground and Edward's incarcerous charm tied her up. She was not going to go anywhere but Azkaban which meant we won. If only Merlina had seen it with her own eyes.

"Take her away while we go find Mer-"

Before Professor Sharp could continue, Sebastian came running in looking sweatier and more dirty than usual. It would appear he had a battle of his own as well but against who?

"Merlina... she needs... you." Sebastian got out in pants. We all went running out of the room and down the hall to wherever Merlina was.

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