Chapter Twenty-Six- The Mad Prince (Sebastian's POV)

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A full twenty-four hours hadn't even passed since the last conversation between Merlina and I. How could she betray me time and time again? First with going after Ominis, than asking me to be with Poppy even though I clearly have feelings for her, and now this goblin friend? Ominis and Imelda seem to be the only ones catching on to my feelings for her though with Ominis trying to keep us apart and Imelda teasing me every chance she got.

Even with Hufflepuff on the other side of the great hall, I could see her and Ominis laughing over something that was probably stupid. I hadn't even realized it before Imelda clinked her silverware against mine as to how tightly I was holding it. Knocking me back into reality, Imelda began snickering and looking over at Merlina and Ominis as well.

"You know, I'm surprised she chose him over you. I suppose you can't have every girl you want, huh Sallow?" She asked, smirking with every word she spoke.

"Shut up Imelda." Was all I could say. She wasn't wrong. I didn't even look twice at Merlina until I saw Ominis and her getting closer. Since that night in the library when she almost got us caught by yelling at me, she was almost all I could think about. Was I only wanting her because she didn't want me?

I got up and left my food and silverware on the plate. The great hall started to get quiet, watching every step I took towards Merlina and Ominis. It wasn't until I was over them and hearing her laugh that she finally noticed.

"Sebastian? Can I-?" Before she could even finish the question, I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the top of the stone stairs shoved in the corner. The minute we were out of sight, everyone went back to their conversations as if nothing had happened. Finally entering the balcony where they keep extra decorations and extra chairs, I let go of her wrist.

"I wanted to apologize in private for yesterday... all of yesterday. None of what I said about your friend was alright. If you trust him, than I do as well." I apologized. Swallowing the last bit of spit in anticipation for forgiveness she just scoffed and made an upset face.

"Ominis was right... you don't know when to stop. Yesterday you were in my face, screaming about apparently how foolish I was to befriend a goblin and now you expect me to forgive you? And for what? So you can get your way and go to that new place in the portrait?"

I could feel my heart shatter as she looked at me with disgust. Was I determined to find a cure for Anne? Of course but I would not stoop low enough to take advantage of her like that. She sighed and sat on a wooden chair already placed on the floor.

"Lucky for you, Lodgok already got back to me. You don't need to know anything besides that Amir and I went into a mine and that we found Ranrok's plan. He's building drills to dig. We can leave after curfew if you'd like." She was still willing to help me after everything I did to her yesterday? I didn't know what to say except muttering that I would meet her there and nodding my head.

She didn't waste another moment, getting up and dusting off her uniform and walking back to Ominis no doubt. I stood on the balcony watching her walk and couldn't keep my eyes off of her with each step she took. She stopped halfway between Ominis and I though, pausing for only a moment and then looking up at me. Even from the distance between us, I could see her flash a kind smile and tuck a few stands of her wavy auburn hair behind her ear.

Immediately, I stormed down the steps and left Hogwarts to wait for her by the coast. We needed to finish the portrait in the Undercroft as soon as possible.


After hours of scouting ahead to see just how many goblins were in front of us, I had sent an owl to Merlina on the exact place to meet. What exactly was taking the apparent best flyer in the school so long- who knows? Perhaps she's letting Ominis do exactly as he pleases to her or maybe she was in trouble and needed saving.

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