Chapter Sixty-Five- Anything But Safe

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There was no sound around me. None of it. I could rewrite all of it. I unlocked the cabinet and slowly opened it to see the same Room of Requirement I had last year. The room always gives what you need and I needed a place to feel safe in. I wonder how far back I went. Storming through the door, the hallway was empty but two students talking were coming in my direction.

Casting the disillusionment charm, I hid in a corner and overheard what could be described as music to my ears. We were in the morning before the tournament. I was in the Undercroft with Ominis, Poppy, and Sebastian so there was no way I would run into myself. I didn't care what the effects would be- I was going to at least save Edward Avery from whatever spell his own father used on him.

As quick as my legs would hold me, I bolted through all of Hogwarts and ran to the only person who I felt could save Edward and help me take down Professor Avery. Once reaching the Faculty Lounge, I ran straight to Arcturus Black's bedroom door. He opened it fairly quickly and was already in his uniform that I saw him earlier in.

"Ms. Wood! Do you know how-" He started but I wasn't in the mood to hear a lecture. I stormed in and slammed the door shut behind myself, locking us in. I wouldn't care what other staff members or prefects thought was happening in this room. The truth was more important.

"Tonight, while the challenge is taking place, Professor Avery is going to kill Albion Lockhart and seriously injure his own son. He was trying to kill me too." I laid out to him.

"Well... I see someone has been paying attention in Divination." He answered, running his thin fingers through his hair.

"It's not Divination sir. I... I lied earlier in the year." I took out the watch and held it in the palm of my hand. "I did have the watch. I know talking to you might mess up time but I didn't know what else to do. Save Edward Avery and you can have the damn thing for all I care for."

"Merlina Wood... you didn't ruin time. I warned myself of this before I even came to Hogwarts. Go back to where you last were. I will be there shortly and I will be taking the watch after I arrest him."

"Do you promise?"

"I swear by the Ministry's laws. Just be quick and make sure no one else sees you- especially you that's supposed to be in this timeline."

"Wait but sir... does that mean you can save Albion now as well?"

"No... I'm afraid what's been done shall stay done. Serious things can happen in the timeline if you change when a person dies."

I nodded my head in understanding and did as he said, swallowing my spit and making my way back into the Room of Requirement where the cupboard was still sitting in the center of my room. Swallowing my spit, I went straight back to the time I was at and my heart began to pick up once more. It was like nothing had even changed. Like I hadn't gone into the past.

"Merlina Wood! Come out now!" Professor Avery demanded, sounding like he was only a few feet away from my face. He wanted me to come out? Fine.

I kicked the cabinet doors open and released two of Poppy's Scottish cabbages onto him while also casting depulso. They chased after him but I stood my ground. His screams of pain from the venomous bites bounced off the walls once more but I didn't dare move an inch. Now that I know Arcturus Black was coming to arrest him, I could do whatever the hell I wanted to him.

"You really think murdering a group of teenagers is going to get you ultimate power?! You really are pathetic Professor Avery." I shouted.

"Am I Merlina? Or are you? You don't even deserve that power. Your father would agree with me!" Professor Avery shouted back, finally standing up as the leaves of the cabbages blew up.

"What would you-"

"Who do you think told Jacob Druidport of where his muggle love and long lost daughter was? He was supposed to owe me a favor but you killed him! So you're going to tell me what-"

While he spoke, rage built in me. I had always blamed myself for my mother's death. That I somehow led Jacob to us. Now I know her blood lays on Professor Avery's hands. Interrupting his sentence, I casted bombarda on him and charged directly to where he landed. Sure he's expecting me to cast a spell on him but not to just kick the living hell out of his face.

Trying to get me to stop, he casted depulso on me and made me fall back, hitting my head on something sharp enough to cut but not penetrate through the skull. I could feel the blood dripping from the back of my head, staining my light brown hair and turning it dark. I wasn't going to let this man get away with his crimes anymore though. Even if Mr. Black's don't was coming- I was going to extract my revenge.

Behind Professor Avery, a tall shadowed figure stood. I couldn't see its face or make out any of the words it was speaking. Whatever it was saying to Professor Avery though had him petrified. This was my chance.

"Orion Avery! You are under arrest for the murder of Albion Lockhart." Suddenly the boggart shifted it's form into a spider twice the size of us.

"Crucio!" Professor Avery shouted, landing a hit on Mr. Black. Just like with Edward, he flew back and started flinching and screaming in agony over the pain.

"Now that it's just us... tell me where the repository is Merlina!"


Our wands came at a clash, ignoring the boggart and whatever forms it would try to take. Rays of red vs green clashed and memories came back of battling Rookwood. Was this going to be my life for now on? An endless battle of good against evil to try and protect the secrets people thousands of years ago formed? A new ray of light, being green, going directly to Professor Avery. He laid still on the ground and from the direction of the spell stood Edward gripping his side and now dropping Mr. Black's wand.

"Are you alright Merlina?" He asked, limping towards me. I nodded my head and patted it, fingers covered in crimson.

"Are you Edward?"

"I'll be better once I have my leg healed. Is Hugh okay?"

Before I could answer, I could feel a wave run it's course through my body. Shit... I didn't even know how much blood I had actually lost. Edward must have seen me because before I knew it, I was collapsing but felt his arms catching me.

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