Chapter Two- End to Bullying

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It's been a week since Sebastian took me into the Undercroft and I couldn't get Ominis out of my head. The way his breath felt hot against my face, the way he smelled, even the way his voice was firm but still sounded soft. All of those mixed in my mind to the point that in Potions, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. It was the end of the day though and somehow, I had already managed to get all of my extra assignments completed.

"Merlina! We're going to the quad if you would like to join us." Natty offered, standing with Garreth and Cressida. Reluctantly, I accepted the offer although it must have been obvious I was only going for Natty. We made our way to the stone bridge where the sun and cool autumn wind created the perfect temperatures. Together, we strolled over to a bench and I took off my house robe to sit on the ground. Cressida and Natty took the seats on the bench with Garreth next to me.

"Sharp needs a woman in his life. I'm tired of him keeping his eyes on me just because I blew up a couple potions in the past." Garreth complained, rubbing his forehead.

"Sharp wasn't the only one who had his eyes on someone the entire class." Natty hinted, pointing behind me. I turned my head and there he was- Ominis. The sun's light made him glow with every step he took until he made his way to a random bench.

"Wait, Merlina, do you have a thing for Ominis? You realize he's a Gaunt right?" Garreth informed me like I hadn't already known.

"I am aware and no I don't like him. Him and I got into a sort of argument a few days ago. It's been nagging at me since."

I turned my head back to Ominis to see him being approached by random Gryffindor and Ravenclaw boys from a group with Lavina. I could feel my stomach twist and turn, that something wasn't right. Something was going to happen to him by them. The boys, although about the same height as Ominis, we're definitely at least sixth years with the amount of facial hair attempting to grow on their faces.

"Lavina's goons are going to Ominis. Probably to mess with him no doubt." As Cressida predicted, they grabbed his wand and started pushing him around. It wouldn't be right if it was anyone but a blind person? How dark can one be? Without any hesitation, I got up and bolted to them as quickly as I could.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted, casting Duploso on the Ravenclaw and Levioso on the Gryffindor. When they were far enough from Ominis, I grabbed his black wooden wand and placed it in his hand. "Best neither of you mess with him again or I'll tell Headmaster Black. We all know he'd side with the Slytherin so best run off before I get seriously upset."

They both scurried back to Lavina's group and ran off muttering my name with insults a child would make. Spinning around to speak with him, he was already over by Natty and continuing to walk. I slowly walked back to the group of Gryffindors and sat down again for all three of them to look at me oddly. Raising my eyebrows, silently asking what they were looking at, Garreth cleared his throat.

"You don't care about him at all?"



Dinner had just been served and there I sat, alone at the end of the table yet again. I didn't really have any friends besides Sebastian and Natty and they were in other houses with their house friends. I placed another cut up piece of sausage in my mouth right before I noticed Ominis standing there, staring at me. He didn't bother to make an announcement that he was there, leaving me to wonder how long he was standing before I had noticed him.

"Ominis! I- How did you find me?" He made his way to sit across from me and started placing food on a plate. Despite getting glances from the staff for sitting at another table he wasn't in the house of, they didn't say anything to the Slytherin.

"Are you aware you're one of the few girls in school that wears perfume? It's good to know though that you understand two dabs is enough unlike Lavina Fey who wears ten." He stated as if knowing how much perfume someone was wearing is common fact. Even though blind, he must have sensed my confusion since he erupted in laughter.

"Blind people usually have heightened senses to overcome the fact that they cannot see. That's how I could tell you weren't Sebastian when you came out from the... classroom. Speaking of which, I wanted to apologize for that night. Sebastian explained that you were learning a certain spell and wanted you to use the classroom to catch up on your studies. I acted too harshly on you."

I was completely baffled. Everything I know about Slytherins is they're too proud to admit when they're wrong. Why would he apologize? Could this have been due to me helping him with Lavina's goons earlier? Was he being nice just because I showed kindness to him first?

"Thank you Ominis. Where is Sebastian by the way? I haven't seen him all day."

"I had to leave the table and come over here since he was flirting with Imelda." I spun around and what Ominis said was true. She was sitting extremely close to him and running her long fingers along his arms. "Merlina, would you like to come with me to Hogsmeade tomorrow after classes? Sebastian is busy and I'm in need of more supplies for potions. Afterwards, I can treat you to some tea and cakes. I tend to prefer those over the butterbeer."

"Ominis, I would love to." I accept with a smile on my face. Even if it was for my kindness or his forgiving heart, I couldn't deny mine just skipped a beat hearing him offer a trip to Hogsmeade.

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