Chapter Twelve- Meeting the Sallows

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The walk with Sebastian to Feldcroft was sweet and simple conversations. He told me of the goblins that have taken a special interest in the town because of Rookwood castle (to which I'm not surprised) and a house that sat on the top of the hill. Even went as personal as telling me that Anne had been cursed by a goblin who had a wand- which I thought was illegal but I suppose not.

"You're going to love Anne. She's even more mischievous than Ominis and I combined." Sebastian exclaimed, obviously quite excited at the thought of seeing his sister. A giggle escaped my lips but my smile could not be contained.

"That's definitely something considering how you both are."

"I've told her all about you, you know. She's happy you're coming so she can finally meet the only person who's bested me in a duel."

We had finally arrived in the small village full of trees and gardening plots. Even directly in the middle laid a wishing well like the ones I had seen in the muggle world. I could definitely see myself living in a place like this someday. Despite it being autumn, the grass underneath our feet were still as green as ever. Along the sides of the dirt trail, flowers of different colors still continued to grow and make their beauty shine.

"We're here." Sebastian announced in front of one of the larger houses. Pushing open the wooden door, a pale frail girl sat at the table working on some kind of parchment. Sebastian placed his finger on his lips, telling us to enter quietly. With the door silently shutting behind me, I waited by the kitchen area for an okay to introduce myself. Sebastian, seeming to have other plans, pinched her sides and gave her a fright.

Anne spun around, trying to get Sebastian and I could actually see how she looked. Hallowed eye sockets, the skin being able to show all of her bones, and her hair a dull and thin brown. Seeing Sebastian though gave her a weak smile that could shine the rest of the world.

"Sebastian! Where did you-" he interrupted her, showing her a shrivelfig fruit. A shouting match erupted between Sebastian and his uncle, getting louder and louder the more they spoke about Anne's expense. She let out a loud scream of pain, gripping her stomach and trying to make her way back into the seat.

"You need to leave- the both of you." Sebastian's uncle demanded, trying to help her back to the chair. With Sebastian storming out, I nodded my head and waved goodbye, then followed him over by the well. He was pacing back and forth a few feet, rubbing his face and muttering to himself.

"I'm sorry Merlina... just give me a moment alone if you wouldn't mind." When I had heard the door close and his uncle exiting to tend to their front yard, I made my way over to him to apologize for Sebastian's actions if it had offended him in some way.

"Mr. Sallow, if I could have a moment of you time?"

"What? Oh, Sebastian's friend. I apologize for his actions earlier. He's as stubborn as my brother I'm afraid. He thinks he can help Anne but there's nothing that can truly be done I'm afraid." His uncle explained, looking saddened.

"Sebastian told me that you all had tried everything to no avail. I'm truly sorry."

"My nephew seems to think he knows better than the healers."

"Well sir... respectfully, perhaps the healers don't know everything. Sebastian is single-mindedly focused on the curse. If anyone can find a cure, it will be him sir."

"Your faith in Sebastian is misplaced. There is no cure to a dark magic curse. Giving her hope is cruel. The only thing we can do is keep our distance from the Loyalists and make her comfortable." Saying that last part obviously pained Mr. Sallow as his facial expressions changed from acknowledgement to pure pain at the lost of his niece. I knew I wasn't going to change his mind anytime soon so I bud a farewell and went inside to check on Anne.

She laid her head on the table and was breathing loudly, as if gasping for air after being under water for a few seconds. I found a glass in the cabinets and poured her a glass of water from the tap. Handing it to her, she smiled slightly and nodded her head for me to take the seat next to her.

"Thank you for the water. It's no wonder that you're in Hufflepuff."

"Of course. It's the least I could do after causing-"

"Oh that wasn't your fault! They happen all the time and at random. It just unfortunately chose a moment where I was meeting you and my uncles were fighting." She interrupted, wincing between sentences while gripping her side. "How did you meet my brother anyway?"

"Dueling in Defense Against the Dark Arts." I answered.

"Oh dear Professor Hecat... She's a powerful witch you know. Always having to keep students like my brother- and me, in line. One time, Ominis and I were kissing in the library and she casted Accio on him, sending him from the first floor to the second just so she could separate us." Anne joked, laughing slightly but still wincing. Anne and Ominis... kissing? No wonder he ran off at the mention of her name.

"How long we're you and Ominis together?" I asked, trying not to show any slight bit of jealousy. I should have known somehow...

"We had started our relationship in our second year but I left him after the curse hit me. I couldn't let him see me like... this. Frail, weak, and barely able to hold my wand. He's tried to come by a few times but my uncle knows how I feel and has been able to prevent him each time. I want him to be able to live his life... to meet a nice girl... to do whatever makes him happy. I won't be around long enough to see that so..." She trailed off, sighing at whatever memories were in her head.

She had sacrificed her feelings... for Ominis. And Ominis- was he leading me on to forget Anne? Was I just a puppet for him to play with until Sebastian finds a cure?

"What if Sebastian does find a cure? You can come back to Hogwarts, be with Ominis once more."

"My uncle Solomon has said at least a thousand times there is no cure. The healers too. I have faith in those words more than the ones Sebastian speak. I can feel it. Perhaps you can help him understand that he cannot take away my pain." Anne requested, wincing once more.

"I will do my best."

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